Do you know how to make fleas control?

Recently, some friends ask for help from me, among which are those who are suffering from fleas. Since fleas control is more complex than other pests, and we often can not find focus. One would rather write out a share.

1. Many of my friends will ignore the search for the source of fleas, in fact, this is the most important, so my first one said. Fleas can be divided into several types of sources: their own pets, near pets, rodents, other wild animals. We must find the source of their treatment, measures are given here: home pets, kill fleas for the pet while cleaning lotion with a flea; near the pet, try to keep them away from the range of where you live; rodents, rodent control in the first flea; other wild animals, driven away from the scope of your life.

Remember! Clean up the source, and then off fleas.

2. Method of choice, not to mention specific methods here, but to say what method of election. Generally used in the tag-based agents, it is best to maintain the efficacy period of time. Other friends of mine asked me what medicine is best, in fact, most agents can effectively kill for the fleas, but they have a big gap between securities.

Remember that fleas off the regular selection, safe drug.

3. Heart preparation, it is absolutely important, many of my friend’s fleas halfway, in fact, may have to eliminate fleas normally 1-3 times, and constantly observed to take treatment. So there is no time, energy, patience, friends should consider asking someone to do home paid debugging services.

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