How To Lose Weight and Burn Fat

As soon as you wake up in the morning workout for at least 30min to an hour. Studies show that working out in the morning has been shown to burn up to 3x as more fat as opposed to working out at any other time during the day. Here’s Why:

During the day your body’s main source of energy is the carbohydrates that you get from eating your meals. As you sleep at night for 6+ hours your body uses up all those carbohydrates as energy for various bodily functions that go on even while you sleep. When you wake up in the morning your body doesn’t have any carbohydrates as energy to use and it will look to burn body fat instead for energy.

For you to take advantage of this morning fat burning opportunity you have to exercise first thing in the morning. Don’t eat breakfast because if you do you’ll just give your body some carbohydrates as a source of energy instead of the body fat that you want to burn for energy.

Another great thing about working out first thing in the morning is that your metabolism gets revved up after your morning workout. Morning workouts keep your metabolism elevated throughout the day. An elevated metabolism throughout the day only means that you’ll burn more calories and lose more weight. If you workout at night you may still burn fat while you workout but as soon as you go to sleep your metabolism will slow down and you’ll miss out on all the extra fat that you can burn during the day if you had exercised in the morning. When you sleep your metabolic rate is always at its slowest.

Other reasons why its good to exercise first thing in the morning is that you get the workout out of the way, and working out in the morning will also reduce your level of stress throughout the day.

Advanced Tip: Want to burn even more fat? Add another workout to your daily routine 4-6 hours after your morning workout. Keep your already high metabolism higher by adding a 2nd workout during the day. If you’re seriously thinking about adding a 2nd workout to your daily routine then try to do your cardio workouts in the morning. Mostly fat calories are burned doing cardio at a moderate intensities. Make your 2nd workout of the day a workout with weights. Mostly carbohydrate is burned doing weight-training workouts. The muscle that you build from weight training will also help you burn fat. 1lb of Muscle burns 50 calories a day or 1lb of fat every 70 days. Not only will you be burning more calories, you’ll look better – whatever your weight is.

Eating is the most important activity that you can do. Have breakfast first thing after you get up in the morning. It is critical that you have at least six small meals throughout the day. You should also make sure that you have more complex carbohydrates in the morning.

Complex carbohydrates and mono-unsaturated fats are important to have in everyday meals. Don’t forget your lean protein too! If you continue to follow this diet, your metabolism will reach its maximum and will burn as many calories and as much fat as possible to make you lean.

Carcinogens and other toxins are in the air we breathe as well as the food we eat. The fatty tissue inside the body is your protection against toxins.

You have to follow a few steps if you want to flush these toxins out of your body and lose inches. A fat burning body wrap is a great way to detoxify your body and lose inches at the same time. This allows your body to start metabolizing your excess fat.

Reach your full potential, and become the best that you can be! Experience a healthier attitude toward your physical and emotional well being by simply adhering to this proven regimen.

While exercise helps keep the weight off, diet has a greater impact. By drinking your daily dose of water and eating healthy, there would be no reason to have to work out for more than 20 minutes, three days a week. Follow this protocol and you will soon be skinny.

No matter how you decide to alter your lifestyle in terms of nutrition and exercise, be certain to get detox your system regularly and to get consistent exercise. Without the proper nutrition, exercise, and detoxification regimen, you may be halting your weight loss efforts before they even begin. For More Information Visit

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