What Halal Means In Restaurants

A lot of us have seen the word “halal” on food marks and restaurants, but not all of us know what it really means. Our Muslim bfriends base their selection on this term because it signifies what is allowed for them to buy or eat. For a country that has inhabitants with mixed religious affiliations, that word is just as critical.

For Muslim-populated nations, seeing halal on food products and establishments is no problem at all since they are run by Muslims who adhere to Islamic rules. But for states that have citizens practicing various religions, then halal is not that easy to come by. Luckily, more and more establishments are becoming conscious of their customers’ preferences.

Halal means lawful or legal. If a food label has this word on or a eatery alleges they are halal-certified, it means that the preparation of their products is in accordance with the Islamic dietary law, and thus, they are allowed to consume the items.

Just what are allowed in Islamic law? For meat items, the manner in which an animal should be killed must be swift. When killing an animal, its windpipe and gullet must be cut and done quickly.

And because there are halal or allowed items, there are also haraam or forbidden products. To start with, Muslims are forbidden to feed on pork and drink alcohol. So a product or an eatery must not add those ingredients to their menu. There should also be no contamination of the items, meaning, if a knife has been used to cut a pork meal, it should not be used any longer to prepare a halal-approved item.

Haraam items also consist of blood, birds of prey or carnivores, animals killed in the name of any god but Allah, corpse of an animal, or those that have been sacrificed to another god.

There are Muslim groups who state food products as halal and give halal certification to restaurants. Products that have halal certification are the ingredients used by halal establishments to make sure that they follow the Islamic dietary law strictly.

It’s good to know that there are eateries not run by Muslims that still take a great effort to adhere to Islamic dietary laws. It only means that they value all their customers and honor their preferences and religions.

Eat authentic Australian food in Singapore at an unbelievably crazy value at Mad Jack Cafe and learn more about halal restaurant.

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