What Are the 5 Most Important Factors For Weight Loss?

Are you frustrated with your lack of results from dieting and exercise? Losing weight is not rocket science. There is a right and wrong approach. When you understand the critical factors, losing weight becomes easy!

When attempting any weight loss program, there are factors that are most essential to the success of that program. When you apply these components, losing weight becomes a breeze.

Factor # 1. Eating the right foods

There are certain foods which just absolutely blunt all fat burning. They include processed foods which contain trans fats and saturated fat. Next are the bad carb choices: high SUGAR foods. You know, the typical sweets consisting of doughnuts, candies, ice cream, etc. – basically, JUNK foods.

These heavily processed foods and empty calories leave you tired, irritable, and wanting more. Satisfy your body’s real need for nutrition by eating clean foods that are as natural as you can get them. Raw vegetables, fresh fruits, beans, lean meats, poultry, are all great examples of clean, fat burning foods which satisfy, and support fat burning.

Factor # 2. Smaller, more frequent meals

The size of your belly is a direct indicator as to the size of your stomach. Indicating the habitual consumption of oversized meals which only serve to stretch the belly cavity. Eating more calories than the body requires for maintenance gets stored as fat. Large meals clog the intestines, and slow the metabolism.

Aim to consume 4-6 small meals per day as opposed to 2-3 large. This strategy speeds the metabolism and favors fat burning. In addition, assimilation is greatly improved. You will actually have greater energy and vitality, due to your body not being burdened with excessive, unnecessary digestion.

Factor # 3. Get more fiber in your diet

Digestion and elimination is absolutely critical if your body is to rid itself of excess weight. Constipation, and irregular bowel movements lead to toxic build up, which inhibit your body from burning fat. Keep your intestinal tract moving with extra fiber.

All plant foods contain fiber; they include foods such as fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Fiber also has been shown to lower cholesterol, prevent diabetes, heart disease, and more. To help keep your bowels moving regularly for enhanced fat burning, aim for 30-40 grams per day.

Factor # 4. Drink more water to stay hydrated and Reduce Appetite

The human body consists of about 70% water. While you can survive 2 weeks without food, you can only go several days without water before you meet your maker. Every metabolic function in the body requires ample amounts of water just to sustain. When you are dehydrated, your metabolism slows and blood thickens as your heart works harder to pump blood throughout your body.

As little as a 5% loss of water in the body can negatively impact your physical performance by as much as 20-30%. Water aids in digestion, lubricates your organs, transports nutrients, and flushes out toxins from your body. Water is also a great natural appetite suppressant. Fat loss simply does not occur in a dehydrated state. So be sure to drink a glass of water every hour to stay properly hydrated.

Factor # 5. Engage in some form of physical activity every day

Exercise is the best way to instantly spark your metabolism. Most individuals who embark on an exercise regimen to lose weight fail due to the combination of extremely low calories and overexertion. This places in your body in a catabolic state, and lowers your metabolic rate.

A consistent, more moderate approach will bring about the fastest results. Choose an activity you enjoy, and get moving! There are countless everyday activities you can perform to burn more calories. Walking is still an excellent choice for those who are 30 or more pounds overweight and find it hard to work out.

As you gain fitness, you can speed up the pace by powerwalking with a pair of dumbbells. There really is no excuse for not engaging in a little exercise every day. Once you start reaping the weight loss rewards, you will become an “habitual” exerciser for life.

To review more about losing weight naturally and healthy and to download a free report on losing belly fat go to Best Way To Burn Fat right now!

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