The New Trend in Jewelry -Tiffany Jewelry
A lot of people are interested in buying jewelries. Not only are they assets, they are also an expression of style, mood and personality. If you want the jewelry that makes you express you style, mood and personality there are actually a lot of alternatives to choose from. You can buy real gold and silver jewelries, but you have to consider your budget in this one because they are expensive but nonetheless jewelries such as these can be made into assets. Some opt to buying fancy jewelries because they are cheap, and if you are the type who changes fashion trends every now and then, this is good for you. But fancy jewelries and other plated metals can have some or more properties that can irritate your skin. They can cause contact dermatitis. Signs and symptoms include; burning sensation on the part in contact with the jewelry, itchiness, redness, discoloration of the skin, papules and etc. So, it’s not really advisable for people who have sensitive skin.
But there’s a new trend in jewelry making that is both affordable and durable. It’s Tiffany Jewelry silver. It’s far different from a real silver because it is made from an alloy (a combination of two or more metals) it is made from 92.5% of pure silver and the rest is made of another inert metal like copper or nickel. Tiffany Silver Jewelry is more sturdy, strong and resilient and thus ideal for jewelry making.
Because they are made out of an alloy, Tiffany Jewelry is durable and they will easily be worn down as compared to plated metals. A scratch from silver plated metals may reveal another color, or their surface may tarnish on a faster rate and these changes can be visible through time. Tiffany Jewelry do not change color nor tarnish because their make-up is both solid and uniform.
Tiffany Jewelry are more used to make hoops on Tiffany Earrings and Tiffany Necklaces because they are more strong and durable as compared to fine silver which is more soft and malleable to have in it a fixed shape. And when they are in used or earring hooks and necklaces they are weak and will not hold safely the jewelry.
Tiffany Jewelry also tarnishes through time, but unlike other metals they tarnish slowly and take more time. Tarnish is caused by oxidation and is evident by a black layer on its surface. Certain cleaners are available to make your Tiffany Jewelry get back its former beauty to make it look new and beautiful. And because they are resilient, jewelry makers choose this because they can make more intricate styles of jewelry pieces.
Tiffany Jewelry is more affordable than pure and fine gold and silver pieces of jewelries. They unlikely cause contact dermatitis because they are made up of more than 90% pure silver.
So if you are interested to buy and make jewelry, try using Tiffany Jewelry . It is durable, resilient and strong and it easy affordable.