Build Your Own Cheap Solar Panels
Solar energy is without a doubt today’s number one alternative energy choice. It is no wonder then that one of the most searched for terms on the internet is cheap solar panels.
With the environmental disaster we are seeing unfold off the gulf of Mexico (The BP oil spill) more and more as a society we are finding our consciousness pricked into looking for cleaner and greener ways to help the environment.
For most people the idea of having their own solar system is indeed desirable, but there has always been the major stumbling block of the enormous cost of the solar panels.
Having a solar system installed can cost many thousands of dollars, money that many households simply do not have to spare, no matter how much they stand to save in the long run or how much they want to help the reduce their carbon footprints.
This alternative comes in the form of a DIY (do it yourself) kit. Now I’m sure some of you just tuned out at the thought of building your own solar panels, sounds complicated doesn’t it? Well surprisingly it isn’t, in fact it’s all most child play.
The kits come in the form of an easy to follow video series and instruction manual which you can downloaded in a matter of seconds online (take a look at the following link to learn more Click Here )
All the materials you need to build your own panels are available from most hardware stores (tip: save even more money by sourcing the parts from your local salvage or junkyard). Armed with the most basic handyman skills, you can assemble your panels in just a couple of days (I recommend freeing up a weekend to give yourself ample time).
It’s a great project to get your children in on, provides them with an alternative to playing computer games all day, gives them a lesson in environmental issues and energy conservation. You won’t believe the buzz they will get when they realize the solar panel they built is powering a laptop etc.
Not only will you stand to save a lot of cash by building your own cheap solar panels as opposed to purchasing them pre built, you will also cut (depending on the number of panels you build and your homes energy needs) anywhere up to 80% (in some cases above this) off your traditional power usage, this can translate to hundreds of dollars saved on every power bill.
So whether you are looking to help reduce your carbon footprint or simply want to save a few dollars, take a look at the following link for side by side reviews of the leading DIY Solar Panels and get started on building your own cheap solar panels today.