Eat Fat and Lose Weight?

One the biggest myths in the world of nutrition surrounds fats. The reason is that, for some reason, food companies and some “diet” clubs have decided that low fat is the way to go to lose weight. I believe this is partly to do with the concept of “fat” and the association between fat and being fat. I remember when I lost weight I was in the “low fat” club and focused on this instead of calories or sugar consumption.

The problem this creates is “fat” get tarnished and all fats become bad. I once heard of my personal training clients say that someone told her not to eat avocado as it was “fattening” this demonstrates a fundamental lack of nutritional knowledge as the fat is avocado has been shown to reduce cholesterol and actually help reduce fat storage!

There is clear difference between good fats and bad fats, bad fats such as trans fat, which is used to keep fat solid at room temperature, this stuff is really bad for you. This is where the confusion comes in, natural healthy fat found in cold water fish, nuts and seeds and certain oils are essential. The body cannot produce omega three or six fatty acids which have to come from diet, these are essential for brain function (60% of the brain is fat) and can aid weight loss by switching off the fat storing genes.

What we don’t see enough of is the danger of processed sugar and refined grains. I have seen numerous adverts in the last few days that have talked about low fat and only one in the last few years that talks about having a reduced amount of sugar. The problem with low fat is it makes things easier for people, “if I don’t eat then I won’t get fat” and people stick to this ethos.

If we consider that a couple of hundred years ago, all we ate was animal fat and the level of obesity was a lot lower than today, how does make you feel about the concept of fat being bad? It could be argued that processed sugar that has taken over the food industry in the last few years has a direct impact on the increased obesity levels but who knows? If you look in detail about the body and what it needs, high sugar, low fat cereal does not appear the list of essential nutrients!

To study more about dropping pounds naturally and healthy and to download a free report on losing belly fat go to Best Way To Burn Fat right now!

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