Clever Business Card Designs

With the numerous business cards flooding the market these days, it’s always refreshing to see cards that are unique, engaging, and cool to look at. There are practically a lot of ways to design a smokin’ hot business card. The key is to make a design that best reflects your company standards or your personality. It doesn’t really matter what profession or business you have, a professional and well designed business card is important to your brand or identity. Let’s take a look at some of the unique and hot business cards used today. These clever cards are a sure indication that there are no limits to designing a business card.

1. Roger Keyne’s Jobless Writer. Keyne’s business card is a truly unique self-promotional card. The inspiration for the card was obvious—getting laid off. After losing his job, he thought of creating a business card out of scrap cardboards to get noticed. The message was clear-cut: he is a jobless writer looking for a job.

2. Mineral Spring Water. As their slogan says, “The best tasting water on planet Earth”, the business’ business card does reflect that message. Done in a die cut design, the business card looks like a bottle of mineral water. Die cutting is among the famous methods of creating business cards today. The front side of the card carries the name of the business in big, white fonts, while the contact details are printed at the back. If you have enough budget, you may want to invest in a well thought die cut design that will best reflect the nature of your business.

3. Plane business card. According to the designer of the card, it was designed for an organization that campaigns for the stoppage of the expansion of a local airport. The plane design is actually an irony to the real purpose of the organization.

4. Tamiya business card. This is another plane business card, but what’s cool with this card is that it is not actually designed as a place, but can be assembled into a plane. What’s cooler is that the card can also turn into a boat or car. Tamiya, a Japanese model kit making company, did brought their business card to new heights. Their innovative card is made of plastic to allow it to be broken apart and assembled into small model kits. Since the Tamiya card came into the market, many other businesses started creating similar business cards.

5. Kenspeckle Gifts business card. For a store that sells handmade clothes, their quilted business cards are certainly a unique idea. There’s no need to make use of business card templates. They simply have to sew together textile materials to create their own eye-catching and interesting business card.

6. Edible business card. Business cards are no longer just ‘read and keep’ cards today. There are businesses and companies today that create edible business cards. This mean cards that you can actually east. Arigatou, a Japanese company, creates these edible cards using a high grade CO2 laser engraving technology. They use beans, peanuts, and rice to print the name and telephone number of the company. This type of card though is a bit costly than standard business cards. so, you may want to evaluate your budget if considering an edible business card.

This writing provides information and tips to the readers about how to make effective business cards, check out this page for more eye catching business card templates.

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