15 Best Web-Designing Tools

Web-designing is a very fast catching trend in the IT world. Every company which has its own web site will definitely need a web-designer. In order to become an efficient web-designer what you need is an access to the various web-designing tools available in the market. You must be well versed with the latest tools which you can use to design a website in a unique way.

I have enlisted 15 best tools which are most effective in designing any website. You can follow this list if you want to be ahead of your times in the field of web designing:

1.Blueprint CSS Framework: it provides you with a concrete base on which you can lay the foundations of your project. It comes with a flexible grid, reasonable typeface, and a style-sheet for printing-aid.

2.HTML Entry Character Lookup: it provides you with the facility to get a preview of the html characters that you entered.

3.Web-Developer Toolbar: it helps you in adding a menu and a toolbar to the different web resources tools.

4.ColorZilla: it comes with high-quality eyedropper, zoom, and color-picker.

5.EM Calculator: it is a JavaScript tool it helps in making handy CSS patterns.

6.Typetester: it compares the available fonts on the screen and reduces the efforts of the designer.

7.Measurelt: it is a ruler which measures the width and length of the pixel of any element of the web page.

8.Firebug: it combines with Firefox to provide ā€œnā€ number of tools which we can use while web-browsing.

9.What the Font: it provides the closest match of the images that we submit to the ones that are already present in our database.

10.Icon Finder: it is a search engine used for searching icons.

11.Easy Web-Form Builder: it helps in creating any kind of forms.

12.Background Image Maker: it creates different background images.

13.Photoshop Brush: effective in photo-editing.

14.Browser Shot: it helps in examining our site on various browsers.

15.Dreamweaver: right from superb html coding, to editing graphic contents it has everything.

These were the best web-designing tools that I know of; you can provide more additions to this list in the comment box. For more details refer web blogs

Author Bio:

Cheryl Ross is an expert advised on various web resources in this article she has shared with us the various tools which provides effective web design help. For details visit www.onlinewebdesigninginfo.com/

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