How to Get Rid of Under Eye Wrinkles – Why Stress May Cause Under Eye Wrinkles

Learning how to get rid of under eye wrinkles by reducing stress can help your skin look its best. When your stress and anxiety spikes so do many of your skin issues. Whenever something is wrong with your complexion, stress makes it worse.

So whats happening that causes you to get more wrinkles by being stressed out?

Your body is reacting to external stimuli, stress causes an adrenaline surge that elevates a level of hormone called cortisol in the blood. Cortisol regulates how much sugar is being absorbed into your bloodstream. It’s kind of like a gas pedal on a car…the more that is released the more energy you have. This works great in times of actual physical danger…but it also does the same thing when you are overloaded and stressed out at work. Your body cannot tell the difference between the two stressors.

No, it’s not your imagination – it’s quite possible that you didn’t have those particular wrinkles last time you looked in the mirror. New wrinkles can appear in the matter of months, or even weeks during times of stress. Remember how cortisol tells the cells to put sugar into your blood for extra energy? Well this sugar tends to bind to proteins and stop them from functioning. And guess what? The substance that keeps our skin smooth and supple and young looking (collagen) is a protein that get effected.

When your body is stressed it repairs skin injuries before it regenerates new skin. So all of your damaged collagen gets first priority over your body actually manufacturing new collagen. This makes your skin look less youthful and more wrinkly. Stress also slows cell turnover and it increases dryness which makes wrinkles more prominent.

So what can you do?

First, try to relax. When trying to figure out how to get rid of under eye wrinkles make sure that you always wear a sunscreen. If there is less damage on your skin from the sun your body will not have to repair as much.

It’s also important to add a known collagen booster to your skin care routine. This give those little proteins a fighting chance at survival. These creams have been shown to be strong enough to increase new collagen.

Finally, don’t stress out over visible manifestations of stress. Make sure you start living better. You need to hit the gym more often, get more sleep, and relax for more than 10 seconds a day. All of these lifestyle changes have been shown to reduce Cortisol levels.

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