Learn All Of The Remote Viewing Secrets
Are you aware that you possess a unique talent known as remote viewing? As you may have not known, everyone has the same ability. Some people know how to use it, and some do not. You will be very happy to know that there are some remote viewing secrets that will help you to bring your current abilities to life.
You should take a few moments daily for meditation to help you learn how to use your natural remote viewing abilities. In fact, meditation can aid you in making the most of your natural abilities. You will need to find a quite area of your home where you can breathe, relax and focus your energy.
To help you in becoming a remote viewer, if possible, have another person sit in an opposite room. If not, call a very close friend or relate who you know very well and tell them to make a few hand gestures over the next half hour or so. Tell them to continue to make the same one every couple of minutes.
While meditating you will focus on your friend. This remote viewing secret is helpful in various ways. Remember to find someone you are close too, since the closer you are, the easier this exercise will be.
You will relax and tap into your subconscious mind, while you are meditating. Simply relax and let go of everything. If any unwelcome or unexpected thoughts occur and they will, simply acknowledge them and then let them go as you release any tension. You may include things that help you relax and get into the mood of meditation such as playing soft classical music, nature sounds or an acoustic guitar in the background.
While thinking about the gestures your friend is making, continue to relax and breathe. Trust that it will come to you as you focus. Visualize their appearance and their surroundings. Once you finish, call them and tell them about the gestures they made for you.
The most important part of these remote viewing secrets is that you get rid of all distraction. Unplug the phone, turn off the television, and put away all other visual and noisy distractions. You will be doing this with your eyes closed, but you also need to have a feeling of inner peace without turmoil.
It can be very distracting trying to meditate in a messy home. Clear away all the clutter from the area where you meditate, make it a clean and organized area. Use calm and soothing colors for decorating purposes and then light some incense and or candles to help you relax. You need to be able to relax and enjoy your mediation experience.
Although, many people may think they can just stop on a dime and begin to meditate this is not always true. You have to get into the habit of tapping into your subconscious mind when your are new to such experiences. The beginning is always hardest. However, in order to develop and reactivate your natural powers use these remote viewing secrets to help you give it your all.
While using these remote viewing secrets and methods, things will begin coming to you more naturally without your having to force anything. You are then on your way to opening the window of your subconscious mind and making it part of your everyday lifestyle.
The author Jilly McCann writes for the http://www.remote-viewing-info.com website. Discover for yourself how easy it is to learn the remote viewing secrets. Discover previously undisclosed information. Anyone really can learn remote viewing when you visit here to receive thirty free remote viewing mp3 audios!