Failure To Fix System Errors Results In Computer Freezes, System Crashes, Slow Computer Operation And Many More Issues

By now you have probably figured out that the source of the computer problem is in your registry what should you do next? What are the necessary steps in order to restore your computer back to normal?

In order for you to execute the necessary steps in this article, it is a must that you have a good Registry Cleaner on your computer. I highly recommend using a Registry Cleaner & PC Optimizer such as REGICLEANS.

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The first step is to restore the system of your computer. In Windows 2000, XP, or Vista, you can do this by clicking the “start” button. Select All Programs. Go to Accessories and look for system tools. Then click Backup. By following these simple steps, you would be able to run a system restore on your computer. Now, select where you want to restore your files while your computer is running the process.

Be sure to restore your files to the dates before you started seeing problems with your computer. A series of prompts will then show up. Just follow them and you will get your registry fixed in no time.

But even after going through this process, you could still experience certain problems with your computer. If there are other restore points dated way back, then try repeating the process using an earlier restore point. But if there were no more restore points, you would have to clean your computer’s registry manually.

Doing this is not advisable because manually cleaning your registry is a long and tedious process. And if you are not an expert when it comes to computers, better not try this at all. Your computer may function abnormally if you accidentally changed certain files.

A better approach in dealing with registry problems is with the use of registry cleaner such as REGICLEANS.

This software application will: make a back up copy of your registry, look for faulty files in your registry, and correct the errors present in your registry. Not only is it easier to use, it is also very safe for your computer.

There are many registry cleaners out there to choose from and if you are somewhat new to using this kind of software, you might easily get confused as to which one to use. One of the more popular ones is the Windows Verified REGICLEANS

But first of all, what is a registry? A registry is a database, sort of a library, of all the files that are being used by your computer whenever you open it up and run one of its programs.

It also records all of the processes that are going on your system. Such processes include opening up a computer program, browsing the internet or using the built in calculator.

Now, depending on the complexity of the process or of the program running, the registry can list down hundreds of processes at a time, eventually creating a huge database
of everything that is happening in your system.

Is that a bad thing? Yes if it gets too large. That is why a registry cleaner is essential to keep your registry clean and in perfect working condition.

REGICLEANS does what a normal registry cleaner do. It cleans up the files and records in your registry, deleting any unneeded files that could only be occupying space and using system resources.

It also keeps the files and records in a much more organized manner, thus easing up on the processes needed to locate and run certain files. This results to a more optimized system that will run faster and prevent freezes from occurring.

So keep in mind that if you want to maintain your computer to give you a longer time of service, you have to conduct certain preventive maintenance.

For example, you should install an anti virus program and have it scan your system once in a while to make sure it is clean from viruses and spy-ware. You must also dfrag your drives.

And last but not the least, run your registry cleaner to keep your registry in good working order.

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