Can You Really Watch TV Shows Online Free?

So, what will the quality be on your computer screen or your cellphone? Not what you’d get at home on your TV. So, yet, it’s possible to watch TV shows online free. But in one way or another, such as having to watch commercials or sacrifice quality, the viewer pays.

Internet television is here, but can we ever expect to watch TV shows online free? Why should the networks provide TV programming for nothing? One reason is that audiences are dwindling. By rebroadcasting their shows on the Internet, the networks are gaining one more time to sell advertising. It is advertising, after all, that pays for American TV.

That’s not to say that there are a few legitimate online TV channels which are, indeed, free. Well, define “free.” Is it free if you have to endure commercials and banner advertisements before your show will play? But the public is used to putting up to commercial interruptions every ten minutes or so.

But the public has been conditioned to such merchandizing. Research shows that most Americans simply tune it out. Today’s youth consider most advertising to be lies. So, is it really offensive if the usual commercials are gone — but the viewer has to wait for a 30-second “word from our sponsor” before the Internet-provided TV program play? Online television won’t survive, after all, unless the broadcasters can make a profit.

How does it work? Current providers of internet TV use a variety of technologies. For its British customers, BBC’s service makes use of a commonly available player that can be downloaded free to offer streaming video clips. The software is provided free by its manufacturer. CNBC, Bloomberg Television as well as Showtime make use of live streaming services from another company to stream live TV to their users. Digital Rights Management software is also used by quite a few internet TV services. And increasingly, Internet TV is available on cell phones. But how good is quality? Can TV on your laptop ever compete with satellite or cable? Video quality can be a challenge. So can audio. Higher quality video such as high definition (720p+) does require a higher bandwidth as well as faster connection speeds. Dial-up really isn’t going to give you the picture or sound that you want. The generally accepted kilobauds per second download rate that is needed to stream high-definition video — HDT

So, let’s say we can over look the commercials. How does Internet TV work? Current providers are using various developing technologies. In Great Britain, BBC makes use of a very common player downloadable and provided without charge by its developer. Bloomberg Television, Showtime and CNBC use another software for their live streaming services.

If you truly want to learn more about this topic, then I suggest you check out the web’s best resource on this, go to this site now!: Watch Tv Online and live streaming internet tv

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