Locate eco friendly homes in your area and live healthier.
Asheville real estate specialists can help you find the home you are looking for. Most areas have green alternatives but Asheville green homes are leading the home buying bunch.
I have lived a number of areas around the nation, all this side of the Mississippi. Each move was a “have to” move; job related, family, or school. So when I was ready to make a move to a place of my choosing, anywhere in the US, I chose Asheville North Carolina.
The arts community here inspires me to design, the diversity in the people move me to be more compassionate and more myself. When I choose Asheville I thought I had a pretty good handle on the meaning of green. However, now that I’ve been here awhile, I would have to say that when I moved here I was maybe a sage green. Now, although I am maybe only a kelly green in practice, I am shooting for deep dark hunter green.
Green homes in Asheville run the gamut from town houses to restored old homes. If you love the arts, outdoor activities, mountains, diversity, and lovely weather then Asheville just might be the place for you.
Asheville real estate brokers can help to find the color of Green you are looking for:
An Eco friendly home
A Green home
Or a completely environmentally responsible home
I found two kinds of environmentally conscious home buyers. First, there are the individuals who are concerned with making as small an impact on the planet as possible with their home. These folks want to put as little into the ground as possible while taking as little as possible from it. Ideally they would live off the grid, but for whatever reason haven’t gotten to that point yet.
The second group of Eco-friendly home buyer is mostly concerned with health issues. These folks often have serious sensitivity to chemicals, toxins, and off-gassing. Even if they don’t have a diagnosed sensitivity they don’t wish to develop the kinds of issues and health concerns that can come with living around ‘everyday’ build materials and pesticides.
I would say that I fall into the first group and I do attempt to keep my carbon footprint as small as possible, although I don’t think I do all that I can. However, everyday I try a little harder and do a little more so that eventually I can be environmentally and socially responsible in all of my choices.
Asheville is an area who’s citizens are very concerned with environmental issues, it is a beautiful place to live and play and we are almost all serious about keeping it that way. Therefore it is quite easy to find and Asheville real estate agent who will find just the right place for you. If you need a home built there are ample green builders, and if fixing up an old or historic home, then we also have contractors who can do that all while keeping it green!
Asheville green homes are beautiful eco-friendly homes and Asheville real estate agents are the clear preference in making your purchase.