Buying a Portable Oxygen Generator
Buying a Portable Oxygen Generator
There are different types of portable oxygen generators that individuals can buy to use in or out of the home. Many of the portable oxygen generators have some sort of carrying device, whether it is a small cart on which to pull the tank of oxygen, or if it is a strap to carry the tank under the arm, these generators make it much easier for those who have to be on oxygen to still be on the go, actively participating in life.
There are some systems that are used primarily in the home, generating oxygen from the oxygen that is in the air of the home. These are called oxygen concentrating systems since they pull the oxygen that is in the air (about twenty-one percent of what we breathe) and concentrate it into a tank which the individual can hook into through a mask or a nasal cannula. These systems are nice because the individual will not run out of air like they will with tanks that have to be refilled. However, these systems usually cannot provide a high flow of oxygen and are very noisy and electricity intensive to run. In addition, these systems are shut down when there are power surges or outages which can be life threatening for the individual if he does not have a back up method of oxygen supply.
Portable oxygen generators come in two basic types – liquid or compressed oxygen systems. There are advantages to each, although the liquid oxygen system seems to be the most lightweight and convenient system to use on the market today. Both systems allow the individual to transport a lightweight container of oxygen with them, which they use through a mask or a nasal cannula. Both systems can provide high levels of oxygen to the individual and supply it for hours at a time. The compressed portable oxygen generator usually has to be pulled on a cart made for the tank behind the individual, which can get in the way of activities. The liquid system can be carried by a strap under the arm or even attached to the body with some extremely lightweight systems.
The liquid portable oxygen systems are also safer than the compressed systems in most cases since the compressed oxygen tanks are under high pressure and can explode if they are dropped. Both systems have to be refilled at some point by a professional, but the liquid system allows individuals to have a reservoir at home to fill the tank out of and only fill the reservoir once a month or so.
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