Effective Marketing Copy Should Be About Your Target Clients
This is what you should NOT do when you’re writing your copy for any of your marketing collaterals, be it newsletter printing or brochures – never be a boor that you come off as rude and excruciatingly boring.
This is especially true if you have newsletter printing for your marketing strategy where your target clients expect more content from your collateral. You need to remember not to have your target audience look for a way to dump your collaterals because you’re boring them to death with your content.
You have to realize one thing: your target audience don’t usually stand breathless and hang on to every word you write in your copy. It is not true that your target clients would want to read everything you’ve written about you even before they even have the slightest interest in your business or what you do. What they are actually looking for is something that they want. Not the other way around.
They wouldn’t even be the slightest interested if you don’t stop talking about you, and start speaking to them about their problems and the solutions they’re looking for. Only after proving to your target clients that you actually know them – what they need and want – only then will you be able to actually get them interested in what you have to say in your newsletter printing for example.
Thus, in order for you to grab their attention, you got to talk about them. Not you, but them. You have to remember that human beings are naturally hard wired to think about themselves first. So you need to answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” If you’re able to provide them the answer, only then can you say that your marketing campaign is effective to generate customers for your business.
Great marketing copy starts with your target customers – who are they? What are their problems and issues? What are their concerns? You need to write it in great depth so you can amply demonstrate your knowledge and even your full understanding of your target market. But you also have to do it in such a way that you don’t insert yourself into the process. Nothing turns off the readers more than having to read how great you are even if it means having them know about your benefits.
Right after, you have to describe how their life would change once they experience the solution you offer. Again, show it in their viewpoint. Always put yourself in their shoes and describe how they will feel and how their life would be once they are free of their concerns.
The key is to engage them emotionally and arouse a longing to have your products or service in their hands. Make them feel that they need your business, so much so, that life would not be better if they don’t have you in it.
For more information, you can visit this page on newsletter printing