repeatedly suffers setbacks

A special grade women in the army is ratio, ace and David combat on top of the marital problems actually repeatedly suffers setbacks, forced back married MBT Fanaka  to a small staff county. In return, the young couple that somehow noisy a blush up to the ears, sleep at night, the husband anger sleep on the sofa, female pl soldiers to look at the husband recognized really, hurriedly accompany not, soft hard grind piteously entreat bind, and threw her husband is pulled out of bed, a cloud, after two reconciliation, hug to each other ugg sale  through the night, female soldiers to return to set foot on the road.
An equivalent to provincial officials, her husband just one organ of logistics officers, peacetime colleagues total take her husband kidding, said he is absolutely a slaves, atmospheric all dare not out once, looking is married people, perhaps even wife’s body all get in.

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