How Residential Homes Can Keep Heating Oil Costs Down
Residential homes can have huge heating oil bills over the winter and this can be a huge worry during these difficult economic times. But the fact that many residential homes let a lot of heat escape means that they are in effect spending more on their heating oil than they really need to. Not taking advantage of the times when heating oil prices are lower is another reason why more is spent on heating oil than needs be. A residential home will have a much bigger capacity for storing heating oil than the average user so this could mean quite substantial savings. If a residential home wants to be able to continue providing an excellent service to their residents while still saving money on heating oil then the following tips should help.
– One of the most important things to do is to check the building entirely to see if there are any locations where heat is escaping. You can save a lot of money by plugging up any gaps which are found; many buildings let heat escape through gaps.
– Automatic doors which close after people have come through them is a good way to make sure heat stays inside. When visitors or staff members do not shut the doors it can lead to quite a bit of heat escaping.
– It is important to use the thermostat on your heating oil system. Be sure to have the heating switched off automatically when a certain temperature is reached.
– Think about switching off the heating in areas when you are not using them; many residential homes have areas that they don’t use at night time or at weekends so the heating should be switched off when they are not using them. A lot of heating oil is wasted keeping areas hot when it is actually needed – of course you will need to ensure that these rooms are insulated so as not to suck away heat from the rest of the building.
So if you run a residential home and want to find a way to reduce the amount that you spend on your heating oil, then the examples above should help.
When it comes to all your heating oil needs, Boiler Juice has you covered.