Ladies Wedge Shoes – Is There Still A Shoe Secret You Don’t Know?

I know you’re a shoe-aholic just like me. How do I know this? Because if there’s a secret you don’t know, you like me and all the rest of us can’t stand it and you just have to discover it for yourself.
The secret I am going to share with you was told to me by a Podiatrist who’s main practice was treating the foot distress caused by today’s modern women’s footwear.
Yes, Our shoes are literally killing our feet. Everyone knows this or else why do you think the phrase “my feet are Killing me” would be so popular? I mean, you have heard it how many times in your life?
Your direct benefit from the ladies wedge shoes secret I will share is a lifetime of better foot comfort and if you’re like the majority of the women this has been shared with you will have a dramatic reduction in foot pain now and into those dreaded years to come when you know it only gets worse.
Now For The Secret – What you want to do for all of your future high heel and wedge shoe purchases is to only buy shoes where the ball of your foot rests fully on the flat horizontal section before the shoe bed begins to angle upwards.
You want all of the ball of your foot to be flat and horizontal with the floor. Then the shoe can take off at most any crazy angle it wants.
Why? What’s the reason this works? It’s pretty obvious if you think about it for just a moment. The area from the ball of your foot to your toes was not meant to be bent and have all of your weight slamming down on it with every step, even if you do only weigh 110.

The results- Your foot gets to bend and support you naturally and you don’t need to cringe when it’s time to take your shoes off at night.
Finding the Ladies wedge shoes described above is painless, Just click Here=> Ladies Wedge Shoes
We all need a new pair of shoes that won’t kill our feet at=>

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