Making Felt Christmas Stockings in a breeze

Felt Christmas stockings have so much meaning on it especially if one makes them personally. Each has its own stocking that is special to them. For a Christmas stocking, you can get the person’s sock and stuff it with goodies. However, besides the awkwardness of the deed, making a more personalized Christmas stocking is way too pleasant and nice.

When you are thinking of giving felt Christmas stockings, you have two choices. One is to buy premade felt stockings. The other option is that you can make one by yourself. To make one, you’ll need felt, glue and scissors, much more like your arts and crafts kit, and a sewing kit. Cut the felt to your desired stocking size, and join them either by glue or sewing. If you’re going to use adhesives like glue, be sure it’s of good quality. You can test them by joining together two scrap felts and observe if they hold together.

As for decorations, you could add some accessories like fabric paint, glitter, sequins, or anything you like to put on. You could also do some cut outs of figures of other felt paper colors and add them to your Christmas stocking. For instance, if you’d like a snowman, then you need to cut three circles and add beads to make a face. For added design and style, you could add a lace on the top of the stocking. Make sure that there is still space available inside for the goodies. Do not glue them excessively, and allow more space to fit in some candies or gifts like toys.

Doing felt Christmas stockings have limitless possibilities if there’s creativity and imagination. You could make Santa’s, reindeers, the Holy Family and a lot more of Christmas icons and figures in your felt Christmas stockings. This is one good way to preoccupy your children during the holidays. It would also be a great time to bond with them especially with the younger ones.

For further details about felt Christmas stockings and christmas stockings ideas, visit

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