A Complete Overview And Brief On Emergency Lighting
Emergency lights are considered to be a backup for lights since they can be used as a source of light during power cut. For safety purpose of common people, many high rise buildings have exit lights as a backup for power failure and these are called as emergency lights for building.
It is not necessary to have these lights at every other place in a building unless they serve the purpose. During fire break out it is necessary that people are evacuated quickly, hence the exit lights or emergency lights are installed in specific pathways like exit staircase, corridors and other exit points of the building. In the case of lifts being temporarily stalled, the better option would be to install the lights in staircase since people use them regularly to switch from one floor to another. Each floor should contain a pictorial representation of the exit points of the building so that people can move out quietly during trouble. During the outburst of people, there are chances for fatal accidents to occur, hence proper arrangements should be made to place emergency lights in the exit points. Care should be taken to install a proper emergency light which has efficient operation, long life, and the one which serves people in need and it’s not difficult to choose the best one among the wide ranges of lighting models in the market. For every two months the efficiency of exit light in the staircase needs to be checked in order to avoid minor accidents and if there is any damage, the lights have to be replaced immediately with new set of exit lights.
Differentiating exit and emergency lights is very difficult since both serve the same purpose of reserve source of light during emergency situations. However, exit lights are provided at specific places in a building and serve only the exit points whereas, emergency lighting is provided at other places where a need arises for temporary lights for back up other than the usual lighting sources.
The emergency and exit lights are also available as battery rechargeable lights so that they can be operated using remote control. These lights come with sensitive reactors, which start to turn on the lights instantly, in times of low circuit or power cut. Fixed lights, spot emergency lights, rotatable lights etc are some of new lighting models in the market with advancements in technology.
Proper selection is to be made about the type of light and number of lights to be provided in the exit points so that there is no confusion during some dangerous moments for the people of building.
Emergency Lighting is a necessity for any home, also gather more details on Emergency Lighting.