Compression Stockings and Its Benefits

There is a condition which is severe and may be fatal which is caught when a person is taking trips and only is in a confined place for a prolonged period of time. Those who loves to travel via airplanes are the ones who usually get this condition. And one solution found is using the Compression stockings!

This condition is called the Deep Venous Thrombosis(DVT). It’s a ctually a blood clot. This blood clot is found in the lower leg’s deep veins. Those who travel airplanes with this kind of condition has an Economy Class Syndrom of Deep Venous Thrombosis. Mostly, the estimate of people suffering from this condition is only from 3% to 5%.

DVT can be really fatal if the blood clot is able to freee itself and goes to the venous system of the body and plunged into our lungs. This condition is called the pulmonary embolism and this requires a fat medical treatment because it can kill the person with this kind of condition.

Symptoms? There is no obvious symptoms for this kind of condition. A lot of people with DVT had also developed another DVT, and some with no DVT may also gain this kind of condition especially when he or she always travel.

But gladly, health experts had given and found a solution. First preventive measure is to use compression stockings. This is recommeded by the American Heart Association so that it can improve the blood flow in our lower legs. It gives pressure on our calf muscles, giving the lower legs more pressure to pump blood back in the heart. Drinking water and avoiding is also a preventive measure. You can also do leg exercise while remaining seated.

People should always go to the physician so that they will be able to track themselves of their health status and may even prevent this kind of condition. Although some are still not aware, a traveler should always be careful. Consider wearing compression stockings so that you’ll be able to be safe while traveling!

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