Getting Rid of Stretch Marks
Getting rid of stretch marks has been the goal of many body builders, pregnant and lactating women, new mothers and those who have triumphed in weight loss.
Stretch marks or striae disease occurs when the skin is stretched rapidly, internally causing the inner or deeper layers of skin to tear. Stretch marks become scars visible through the skin layers and often are able to be felt with the finger tips. Some dermal stretches even rupture small capillaries when the lower dermis ruptures (stretches and tears) causing the stretch marks to take on a purplish color.
There have been long time accounts of “Old Wives Tales” on how to prevent and rid stretch marks but there is little or no scientific backing to say that any were found to be successful. Accounts of company customer fans have implied that baby oil and cocoa butter contained in the products prevent stretch marks but not everyone gets them so who knows if there was a prevention of stretch marks or if the client wouldn’t have developed them anyway.
The biggest hint to the prevention of and lessening the severity of them after the fact lies in what a stretch mark actually is a tear in the lower dermis. Epidermis (outer skin layer) condition has little or no effect on the dermis so applying topical creams and oils without scientific penetrating qualities will be a waste of effort and money.
Intrusive Stretch Mark Removal
Laser surgery and skin grafting “plastic surgery” are more intrusive than what the procedure is worth in results and that is without putting a dollar sign calculation into effect. Skin grafting leaves only a choice of transferring the position of scaring or the swapping of one scar for another. With either laser surgery or skin grafts it is intrusive surgery that has a recovery time and is a high dollar ticket item.
Creatine Absorption; Ingestion or Topical?
Creatine is a protein found in many sports whey powders and is a naturally occurring protein molecule that energizes the body. Internal ingestion of creatine seemed to energize the body and help body builders build strength and mass but not aid the energizing qualities to reach the dermis to prevent tearing of the dermal tissue.
There is one cream and lotion on the market that has developed a highly absorbable product to carry creatine to the depths of the dermis and rebuild the collagen composition and elasticity of the dermis. This product is known for preventing stretch marks and lightening or lessening of the damage already created at the dermal layer.
Responsible Aiding of Stretch Mark Damage Reduction
Each person must take a responsible role in preventing or aiding the body to lessen the effects of dermal tears.
It is not even conceivable that one would damage their vehicle by smashing it purposely just because it can be repaired by a good auto body technician and likewise ignoring the things we can do to aid our body in stretch mark reduction or prevention is just as silly.
Using the right cream or lotion known for its absorption qualities to the dermis is one way of preventing and lessening but a conscious health effort on our part is the missing link.
The body is comprised of seventy percent water yet the general population does not hydrate their body enough to even compensate for moisture lost during sweating, salivating or the flushing of bacteria from the organs and then we wonder why our skin isn’t looking healthy and vibrant much less why we are being awarded stretch marks.
Another consideration is the type of hydrating and the PH level, alkaline or acid of the liquids we do consume. The body’s ideal PH balancing is 7.5. Acid is good for purifying the epidermal layer of skin but alkaline helps move toxins from the body and has better hydration absorption qualities. All soda is acid as are coffees, teas and sugared drinks.
The ingestion of or spraying of vitamins known for healthy skin and bones as well as antioxidant qualities will also aid the dermis in building elasticity to help it resist tearing.
Exercise produces the movement of oxygen through the blood vessels and to the cells so insuring you have a plentiful source of oxygen saturation in your blood supply will also aid in the prevention of stretch marks and the lessening of those that have already occurred.
The bottom Line in Stretch Mark Reduction and Prevention:
Eat healthy, supplement nutritional support, drink plenty of water, oxygenate your body with exercise and use a cream and lotion known for dermal absorption of creatine and other essentials.