Do You Have a Crush on a Guy? Here’s How To Attract Men!
Do you have a crush on a guy and want him to ask you out? If so, this is the most important page you’ll ever read. You are about to discover the sure shot psychological tricks to make him attracted to you and ask you out super fast.
Attracting a guy to you and making him ask you out is quite simple. It just involves one step attraction. You have to attract him in the right way. And attraction isn’t just about looks. It goes beyond looks. It’s something deep. Attraction is based on your character. Remember, attraction isn’t a choice. Use these tricks to make your man feel massive amounts of attraction for you and get him to ask you out.
Here are the sure shot tricks to get a guy attracted to you and ask you out…
Look Beautiful – Men always appreciate a woman who tries look her best every time. Moreover, looking attractive has it’s advantages. It speeds up the attraction and the sooner he will ask you out. So get a makeover if you have to.
And if you have to tone up, start toning up. Buy some sexy clothes that look good on you. But make sure you don’t reveal too much either. It’s time to totally transform the way you look. If you have bad tooth, get it fixed. Do all that’s possible to make yourself more attractive physically. It does speed up attraction.
Smile – A smile is more important than a woman’s physical beauty. Smile always emits your feminine energy and lets him know that you are a sweet and caring girl. Offering a smile and saying hi whenever you see him lets him know that you are interested. And this will make him even more attracted to you. Send clues by starting conversations with him and leaving him for a while. Soon, he’ll pick up on that and will approach you.
Become friends with him – Become friends with him by getting to know him more. Appreciate him for who he is and listen to the stories he says. Laugh at his jokes. All of these things lets a man know that you truly appreciate him. And this appreciation makes a man feel attraction for a woman. At the same time, play hard to get by ignoring him for a while and flirting with other guys. It will make him feel jealous and will eventually get him to ask you out faster.
Listen Up! There is extremely important concept you have to understand if you want to make a guy fall in love. Click on the link below to find out: How To Attract Men