Originality Checklist for Business Cards
Contrary to popular belief, business cards are not only for people in sales. They can also be used by professionals, students, politicians, and just about anyone. We are, after all, all engaged in networking in our day to day activities. Perhaps you’ve repeatedly heard the notion, ‘it is not what you know, but whom you know.’ Well, that idea works to people of all ages, status, and profession. We have to continuously network in order to realize our goals.
So, how to you widen you connections and the network of people you know? Simple. Use business cards. They are simple, concise, and direct to the point. They can be the best material to get you the connections you need. But because everyone seems to be using business cards these days, it’s important yours is unique and appealing. Remember that people are more concerned about the visuals these days, so it’s crucial that your card is visually appealing and interesting.
However, a business card that is unique in all aspect is very hard to find nowadays especially with the introduction of ready made business card templates and designs. Even the custom business cards that executives use nowadays are usually made from ready made templates and business card designs. Therefore, if you really want to have your own original and unique business card, it is a must that you know the checklist of originality to see if your business cards are really as unique as you claimed.
• The color choice – Take a look at your business card. If you using white or anything light color in your card, then you are likely using the default color of business cards. Although there is nothing wrong with using the default color, this will not make your business cards unique and original. If you truly want to make your cards original, choose out of the ordinary colors. Let your imagination wander when choosing colors. Using strange and uncommon colors for your business cards will truly make your cards feel and look original.
• The use of template – some business card users claim that they do not use a template in making their cards, but in reality the layout, the color, and the shape that they have used in their cards are from another template they have seen from others. This means that you might think that the content in your business cards and especially the design elements are original, but in reality you just copied it from another business card. To avoid copying from others, avoid using the design software and program available in the internet. Hiring a good and professional business card designer or artist is the best thing that you can do to have originally made business cards. This might cost you extra but it will all be worth the cost.
• The materials used – Finally, look at the materials you used in your card. Using the standard materials for your cards such as the paper and ink may be cheap, but if you use these materials, you will have a business card that looks like other cards in circulation. Using special paper stocks and inks is the best thing that you can to solve this problem. This might cost you extra, but it will surely give you a good and original business card that you have always wanted.
More tips and information’s on how to make cheap but winning business cards can be found at online printing business cards.