Your T shirt and Your Workplace

The rise of the corporate culture in the recent years has resulted in a drastic change in the work environment and work etiquettes. Great emphasis was laid on proper dresses and formal clothing. But for how long could people actually adhere to such norms? No doubt the Wall Street guy would look really good and impressive in one of those designer suits that might cost equal to the monthly salary of an average American household. The glossy look, groomed hair, expensive watch, all coupled with the suit make for a real good package but then when you actually come to think of it what is there behind all that gloss???

Wouldn’t a man working 12 hours a day would want to wear something that is a bit more comfortable and does not always make him look like the biggest snob on the face of the Earth? Once in a while suits are definitely great and the best option, they can really make you look good and perhaps intelligent too. But suits, for five days a week, 12 hours a day is definitely boring and a bit too snooty. But what really is required is to give the air a little rest. Now, the uptight should take a backseat and the debonair and suave needs to be replaced by the cool and casual.

No matter how much the gray tweed seduce you, when it comes down to work all you need is the most comfy tee and a relaxed pair of jeans best paired with an easy pair of slippers. Casual wear at office has proved to be quite a good move. This not only provides comforts to the employees but also the entire workplace has a more young, vibrant and personalized. It goes without saying that the work environment directly affects the performance of the employees. Better the environment, better the performance.

T shirts as work wear can make a whole lot of difference to the work environment of an office. To add on to the benefits you can go for customized T shirts. You can design your own T shirts and when the entire team is wearing the same T shirts, it obviously brings in a sense of team and belongingness. You can either choose to have similar T shirts for the entire office or can have Personalized T shirts for each team or department.
Replacing your formal suffocating suits with the immensely comfortable and trendy T shirts will surely boost your performance, gives you a feel good factor and make your entire team work in a unified manner. Go for customized T shirts and see the difference in your workplace. How everything becomes much lighter and easier and fun to do!!!

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