Know Yourself First Before You Try To Save The Relationship
Have you recently gone through a breakup? Stop and deliberate for a moment and reflect on why the breakup took place. Could this be the trigger that is needed to rouse you to take stock of yourself? One of the more essential factors to save the relationship is to get to know yourself first. Do you have traits that, to you, would create the impression of being normal and pleasant, but were regarded by your partner to be bothersome? Maybe this is the time to do some soul-searching to find out if there are things that you should change in yourself.
Could there have been cautionary signs early on that the relationship required some rectifying? Could your relationship with your partner have been deteriorating bit by bit over time and you did not spot the symptoms? And you disregarded these cautionary signs signs making the problem too big for patching up, on that account leading to the breakup? Whatever the source of the breakup, you should make the effort to examine yourself intently first before you attempt to get back the love and save the relationship.
If you had relationships before this one, try to analyze if the same problems also caused those past relationships to end. You may just be replicating the same injurious patterns that caused past relationships to break down. And this may not be limited to love relationships, but also to relationships at work, with family or friends. It is essential that you examine closely what made past relationships break down before you can get the love back and save the relationship that just broke down.
Now that you and your partner have have separated, this is the time to reflect on the past. Try to establish patterns in your behavior that frequently recurs causing likely problems in the relationship. This is a moving stage where you start to explore your inner self and analyze your emotional constitution.
It is only when you begin this exploration into yourself that you will be able to find ways to get back the love you lost and save the relationship.
And as soon as you have discovered yourself, you take charge of your life. You will be able to determine the emotions within you that cause impairment to your relationships together with irritability, jealousy and other negative emotions. Once you have analyzed your negative traits, you are then able to do away with these and focus on the positive. And as you remove thesse negative emotions,
pinpoint where their source. Are these from experiences in the past, probably dating back to your childhood? Or did these rise from recent experience that distressed you? Or did these stem from an experience of denial from someone you loved and valued?
Whatever you discover during this period of self examination, the critical thing is to clear the negative emotions that threaten to cause trouble, frustration and displeasure that tend to harm your relationships. Take control of yourself and your life. It is only in this way that you will be able to develop deep-rooted relationships. And this will be your initial step as you set about on your journey to save the relationship and get back the love you lost.
Zeny Zabala is a relationship resource person who loves to write articles about marriage and relationships for individuals looking for help and inspiration in their relationships. She also provides reading recommendations on her web site with reviews on the best available reading resources on the internet today. Visit her website now.