Building A Future For OCD
The OCD Foundation – Building A Future For OCD.
In recognition of the debilitating condition OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder, a group of sufferers set up the OCD foundation, over 23 years ago in 1986. They were all keen to work together and offer support to others in the same position as themselves, but primarily to raise awareness of the condition with the public, health professionals and families of sufferers.
The OCD foundation is now an international charity organisation, which is well respected as the main source of support and information for OCD patients, physicians and the general public needing to know more. OCD is a potentially life stopping illness, where the patient develops new obsessions or compulsions that can leave them in such an anxious state that normal function becomes impossible.
You Do Not Need To Suffer Alone.
One of the main issues that the OCD foundation want to get across is that this condition is not the fault of the patient and does not in any way reflect a weak personality. It also reiterates that you are not alone, it is believed that one in 50 adults in the USA will have suffered or will at some stage suffer from OCD, so do not feel isolated or ashamed.
To try and help the OCD foundation has launched a fantastic website, which has a whole section devoted to information and resources, a massive collection pointing you to support groups, publications, information on current treatment and future treatments under research. It really is a minefield of positive information, which will enable newly diagnosed sufferers, and long standing patients to find something that will help them, whether it is to help their families understand, or convince a health professional to try a new approach.
The OCD foundation recognises the need to reach out to all ages of patient, and has a special sub-site for teenagers needing support, and offers help and advice to parents of children and teenagers who find themselves as a carer to their young OCD patient. The teen site makes it easy for young people to have a voice in a community of care and support, and tells the story of the teen spokes person, herself a recovered OCD patient.
Why Not Join The Foundation?
Like most organisations the OCD foundation offers a membership subscription, for individuals, for families and for health professionals, the fees being used to continue the fantastic work they do. You will also be entitled to some discounts on publications, receive a quarterly newsletter, and gain reduction on joining other related organisations. Whatever use you find for the information offered to you, it is likely that you will find yourself returning again and again, as the information and support offered is a real lifeline.
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