The Need For Child Discipline

The Need For Child Discipline

The phrase child discipline conjures up spankings and abuse delivered by the parents to their child. This is one reason why the way that people discipline children has undergone some changes and not all for the better. The word discipline may seem quite strong word for just keeping one’s child in line. There is actually no need to physically abuse the child when he or she does something wrong. There is a fine line between physical abuse and child discipline.

Discipline Begets Discipline

Here lies the reason why there is a need for child discipline. Parents and everybody else like to have well behaved and upright adults as a result of their upbringing. People who participate in the upbringing of a child are parents, family members and teachers. Child discipline is necessary for the child to be morally upright and clear on what is right and wrong. Undisciplined children, compared to those who have been guided according to the mores and rules of society, turn out having undisciplined children of their own.

The cycle of being morally upright and basically good gets passed down from the parent to the child. Child discipline is necessary to have adults who know what is right and wrong when it is his or her turn to work and influence the country.

Viewing Discipline

It is dangerous to view discipline as detrimental to a child’s well being. Many so called modern parents think that children should be left free to express themselves and their views. This is actually a very noble thought but children have no sense of morality and it is taught to them by the adults. In teaching what is right and wrong, child discipline will appear in order to reinforce the lesson to the child.

Child discipline should be enforced to give the child boundaries while he or she is still young. These boundaries teach the child where his limits are regarding safety for himself and for others. Child discipline will also help the child realize that doing something wrong gets him in trouble. This is a valuable lesson that should be taught early on. Wrong things that hurt other people are frowned upon by society.

Parents are the key to child discipline since they are the role models that show the child what are right and wrong. Many parents believe that they are teaching their children to be superior by allowing them to get away with things but this can be dangerous since children will believe that they are allowed the same liberties when they are adults.

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