Sinus Problems plus the Neti Pot If You Can’t Go Human body Surfing

Sinus infections have been a recurring fact of my lifestyle from childhood until my mid-forties. Now I regularly use what is known as a Neti Pot to assist me when my sinuses are congested. Before I tell you how and why to work with it, I’ll share with you how I got rid of deep sinus infection in just a few hrs. Unfortunately, this cure won’t be accepted by the IRS as a medical deduction and hasn’t been evaluated by the FDA.

The Pain of Recurrent Sinus Infections

When I was a teenager I learned that I was in danger of getting worse anytime I took cold medicine to clear congestion. It had the effect of thickening my mucus and I ended up with one unpleasant sinus infection. I’d run off to the doctor (actually I’d call Dad) and get a prescription for an antibiotic to clear the sinus infection.

Once my sister termed me and asked how I would know I had a sinus infection. Other than tenderness and difficulty breathing, the major clue was green mucus. (Out of deference to my mother who hated the word “snot,” I only put to use that term when I was being wicked with Mom.) When asked, my sister admitted she had the tell-tale green mucus.

Many years of Suffering Disappeared in Just a Few Hrs

In all honesty, which would be refreshing, wouldn’t it, I didn’t know that I had found a really fun… and very expensive cure for chronic sinus infections. Only upon reflecting back a year did I realize I hadn’t had one of my every last few months sinus infections in a year or extra since the cure.”

Here’s what you need.

A salty entire body of water with really good waves. Mine was the Pacific off the coast of Mexico.
A friend who drags you out to the waves to go bodysurfing. (My chiropractor later asked, “Aren’t you a little old for this?” as she adjusted my back a week later.)
Having a blast from the waves for a few hrs.
Blow the mucus out of your nose.
Towards the end of my bodysurfing knowledge, I had to blow out the stuff that was coming out of my nose. Yes, I know… TMI (too much information). Anyone whose played from the water for any period of time knows they have to do this. My expertise this time was different from before. When I blew my nose I had some very pretty and very bright yellow mucus. Since that time I’ve not had another sinus infection.

The Neti Pot

This little ceramic device, which looks like a modified tea pot, has been utilized for centuries in India. It’s now made its way to the US. You fill it with warm water, add a little salt and pour the water through one nostril and it will come out the other nostril. Yes, standing about the sink is required. Repeat with the other nostril.

This little procedure keeps your sinuses clear. If you’re congested, it will help clear out the congestion. It also removes pollens and these if you’re having allergy problem. You will need to do it a number of times a day unless you are simply utilizing it as a preventative.

If you’ve never applied one, this process could sound really gross (excuse the technical term) to you. Get around those feelings and give it a try. It will help you breath during those times of cold or flu when you feel like you just can’t get your nose clear.

To find out more about this topic, visit Neti Pot Danger

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