A Critical Look at Cat Urinary Tract Infection
Infections of the urinary tract in cats are common phenomena, the attack mainly going up to the bladder. This region is more susceptible and a cat is really irritated and made to display all abnormal behaviors associated with the presence of an illness. A cat would yell excessively, strain to urinate and even release colored urine. The urine sometimes may have a strong offensive smell requiring more air freshening of the surrounding litter box. There is noted excessive thirst, the licking of the bladder and its surrounding to ease pain. On examination the bladder area is completely red in color.
Many studies done indicate that UTIs may recur and it may heal without much trouble sometimes; in other situations it will require medication to prevent further damage to the feline health. It may take time though to identify the problem because cats don’t easily display their discomfort. UTI if not checked on time may block the urinary tract just like the case of humans.
Quite a number of factors have been isolated, that when cats are exposed to, may lead to this infection. Among these is food or type of diet, the environment, stress, gender, formation of gall stones in the kidneys and age of the animal. Diet is meant to be balanced; a diet missing basic mineral elements like magnesium tends to increase the chances of development of UTIs by increasing the risk of formation of kidney stones. The surrounding environment must be clean and adequately done to favor the feline. Clean water and a portable litter box is a must as this will disallow the cat from looking for other places to pee. In the absence of this comfort, the opposite climate sets in bringing with it a myriad of other problems that end up opening a window for stress to take over. The moment a cat gets stressed up, chances are that you will find the whole place messy and even you will not be comfortable. More often it is the male cats that go through UTIs; female cats have far much less attacks; nature has favored them this way. Kidney stones for some reason once in a while get expelled from the body; and it is during this process that, blockage is experienced.
Diagnosis and treatment
A proper diagnosis is crucial and essential without much delay the moment these symptoms are observed. A qualified veterinarian should relieve the cat of its pain and suffering immediately to deter further damage. Physical checkup accompanied by urine lab tests are ideal to rule out kidney damage and other trauma associated with the disease. In case the bladder is affected considerably by the presence of stones or crystals, surgery may be appropriate or a diet alteration. Incase of presence of any infection, antibiotics would do. Just like in the many other cases, a catheter will have to be inserted to relieve the pain of urethra blockage. This will relieve the pain of urine blockage and also flush out the stones hanging around the urethra.
Treatment is proper when accompanied with follow ups and regular checkups for perfect healing.
Instantly go through the important site of Elisa Pouding that shares information on urinary tract infection symptoms and cat urinary tract infection.