5 Tips To Painting A Room

Sometimes a room in your house may not seem bright enough. Perhaps you should think about painting it. Painting a room is an excellent way to turn a dark, dull room into a bright, exciting room. If you do decide to paint a room, though, there are a few things that you must keep in mind to get the best possible paint job.

1) Do it yourself. Sure, you can hire a painter and have them paint the room for you, but it’s really not cost effective. Plus, it’s not as fun if you let the painter do all the work! So don’t be afraid to get down and dirty and do it yourself.

2) Make sure you use good brushes. The dollar store sells paint brushes, but they are almost always the worst brushes you can find! They won’t hold paint, and they leave streaks when you apply the paint to the wall with it. So be sure to invest in some mid-to-high priced brushes. They will be well worth the money and save you lots of time and frustration.

3) Buy good paint. Home Depot and Lowe’s now sell paint that has the primer mixed in with it, so it covers much better and much more evenly than regular paint. It costs just a few dollars more, but it can save you money in the end, since you won’t have to put on a second coat of paint, and therefore won’t have to buy a whole other gallon.

4) Use drop cloths! If you are painting just one room, you don’t have to have professional canvas drop cloths. You can buy some great clear plastic ones at the hardware store for a pretty cheap price, then just throw them out when you’re done with them. It’s much more inexpensive to buy the drop cloths than it is to be paying for carpet/furniture cleaning because of all the drips!

5) Take your time. Now you don’t have to move in slow motion, but just don’t rush the paint job, or it won’t turn out very nicely.

With these 5 tips in mind, you should be able to paint a room so beautifully that it will look like a professional did it!

Tony McGuigano has been painting rooms in houses for the past 3 years. She is also the owner of the Front Lace Wigs website, as well as a website called Eye Exercises.

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