NoNo Hair Review

Within these past couple of years, a product called the NoNo Hair Removal System have been one of the top selling hair removal systems in retailers and over the internet. Tons of ladies had now tried it to eliminate unwanted body hair.

I personally bought the No No after I saw a commercial for the product on TV at night. I have been using the No No for around 8 months. The product has provided me a swift, pain-free method to remove hair. With the decent price of the product, it was personally worth for it. And I imagine essentially everyone could come up with the money for it too.

For the first 3 months, I treated myself 4 times each week and afterwords in the 4th month, I reduced the sessions to just one time each week. When I entered month number 5 I stopped all treatments completely. This because is I didn’t have any hair growth for roughly five weeks. After my hairs did start to come back, they were much finer than they use to be and were swiftly removed with a short session.

The key reason as to why No No works so well is the Thermicon tip technology. Thermicon hair removal is without a doubt a revolutionary method to get rid of hair. It doesn’t reach the follicles of the hair like laser hair removal treatments do. As a result there is no risk of the product burning the skin.

Although Thermicon treatments has been available before, you could only get them in professional salons.This makes the NoNo is the very first Thermicon hair removal items for home usage.

The majority of reviews of the product agree that if you use the product as directed, you would generally notice a reduction in body hair which last for approximately between 7 – 9 weeks. After a little bit of hair finally returns, you simply run the No No over your skin. This just takes up approximately 9 minutes and the good thing is that you’ll only have to do this a single every 1 – 2 months.

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