How Do Eye Exercises Work To Improve Vision?
One of the main reasons people don’t do eye exercises is because they don’t understand how they work to improve your vision. Your eyes are muscles just like any other muscle in your body. Therefore, they need adequate exercise. By performing eye exercises to improve vision, you can keep your eyes in good healthy shape and functioning properly. For example, just as a weight lifter needs to lift weights every day to make his arm muscles stronger, a person who wishes to improve their eye muscles must also perform eye exercises on a routine basis.
Have you ever woken up in the morning to a sore and stiff neck? It was most likely due to the fact that you slept with your head in only on position throughout the night and barely moved it. Well your eyes are the same way. If you leave your eyes in the same position for an extended period of time, they will become stiff, sore, and weak as well. For example, if you do a lot of close-up work where you are focusing your eyes close up for an extended period of time, i.e. doing computer work, your eyes will become so adjusted to the close up work that they will become stiff and “forget” how to focus on things far away. However, by doing exercises to improve vision, you can keep your eye muscles loose, fresh, and ready to focus.
Here’s a good one you can try right now. This exercise is called eye circles. Sit in a comfortable chair. Look forward, nice and relaxed. Now look up, and slowly rotate your eyes clockwise all the way around 5 times. Relax, and repeat going in the opposite direction. This will help keep the extraocular muscles (those that control movement of the eye) loose.
Tony McGuigano is the owner of the Front Lace Wigs website, as well as a website called Eye Exercises.