Dance like an Egyptian!!!

Dance in ancient Egypt and many ancient civilizations was an essential part of the social life of the common man. The main form of dance in Egypt was the belly dancing. The name of the dance is somewhat a misnomer as every body part is equally involved, the main area of focus being the hips. One of the theories associated with the art of belly dancing is that it was performed to appease the goddess of fertility. Another theory that is associated with this form of dance is performed as the part of religious rites to the moon god Hubal. A third legend says that the movement of the dancers depicted the carvings of the Pharonic times. By and large the exact origin of the dance form is not known.
The belly dancing is a predominantly a female dance. Now the dance has included itself many related forms of dancing and has evolved into a whole new genre. Initially the Egyptian dances encompassed much more than belly dancing. Different kinds of dances were performed on different occasions and the choreography was in accordance to the event for which the dance was being performed. There were both male and female dancers but there is no visible evidence of the two genders performing together. The culturally enriched Egyptians must’ve had a specific purpose behind their dances but unfortunately the only available source of information are the murals which do not tell a lot about the dances and their symbolic meanings.
There is also not much evidence regarding the dance wear and the dance shoes that were prevalent among the primal Egyptians. In the 1950’s Belly Dancing with the midriff uncovered was prohibited in Egypt. This called for a change in the dance clothes that were used for the art.
But nonetheless the Egyptians have contributed to the cultural heritage of the world to a considerable extent. It has left the world with a rich legacy of dance forms.

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