Alter Ego for Men: An Investigation of the Alter Ego Cologne
Alter Ego for Men also known purely as Alter Ego, is an oldie but a goodie, and resides at our number #6 spot among the top pheromone colognes for men.
Alter Ego for Men is an oil based pheromone cologne, and was at one time a bona fide trend setter in the pheromone industry! Alter Ego for Men contains three (3) human pheromones, all plainly blended to bring to effect some reasonably intense results. Alter Ego for Men contains the three human pheromones known as Androstenone, Androstenol, and Androsterone.
The creation of Alter Ego for Men was the number one real crack to bring forth a pheromone fragrance product for men which placed within the forceful benefits of all these human pheromones listed above, an attempt to generate an all in one or all purpose pheromone blend so to speak!
Alter Ego for Men has a reasonably lite musky fragrance to it, personally I do not find the fragrance that agreeable! However, this dilemma is easily solved, as Alter Ego is most able to perform well of course if brought to bear in combination with another pleasant smelling pheromone such as The Scent of Eros, or even a regular fragrance to mask it’s natural pheromone aroma. The extra trouble of covering Alter Ego’s own scent is worth the trouble so one can reap the benefits of the pheromone colognes ability to perform.
I ended up field testing Alter Ego for Men barely about 7 times by itself, I positively didn’t care for it’s smell, however continued to test it numerous more times used in conjunction with The Scent of Eros for Men (a pheromone which smells very good) and along with Alpha 7 Scented (also pleasant smelling). Most folks will not want to wear Alter Ego for Men by itself do to the rather detectable pheromone like aroma.
Anyhow, I at the start decided to test Alter Ego in the workplace at my work place, why? Because I thought it would be kinda fun! So how did it work out? Well, for reasons of succinctness I’ll cut to the chase!
After running 7 field tests with Alter Ego for Men, I was fairly certain this pheromone cologne was rather much living up to it’s reputation, it is forceful stuff! So why is it ranked number #6 predominantly? Because, it genuinely doesn’t smell that congenial by itself, and really should be used with a pleasant smelling pheromone fragrance product or even regular cologne if that’s all that is handy. Alter Ego for Men is also extremely wild! One must resolve the proper dose to get the proper reactions. I have noted it is too easy to over dose on Alter Ego do to it’s Androstenone content, one must get the optimal potion just right, or it can just as easily provide negative or neutral reactions from people.
I have a feeling that the average pheromone user that first tries Alter Ego, may become frustrated because of the ease in which one can put into use too much and over dose! This will lead the in-experienced user to conclude Alter Ego does not work, on account of he is obtaining no reactions, or worse, people are being mean to him! however the difficulty is not positively Alter Ego, it’s all in finding the on the money dose! I was more seasoned in the use of pheromone colognes so this was not a trying ordeal for me, but for others.
Overall, Alter Ego for Men is a very versatile pheromone cologne when deservedly brought to bear and applied. It further seemed to work best for me, when combined with The Scent of Eros for Men, or with Alpha 7 Scented for pure social occasions.
For the full data concerning best practices in utilizing Alter Ego for Men, feel free to drop by to peruse my full discussion!
Kyle MacRannell is a die hard product review fanatic, currently researching Pheromones, and their influence upon human behavior. Please visit us for additional information on the Alter Ego for Men pheromone cologne!