Learn Everything About Medical Techhnicians
To tact emergency situations the medical technicians ought to be trained and acquire skills. During emergency situation to take proper care the medical technician students are educated and prepared. Certain training methods to the students, which help them in grooming themselves into a complete medical technician are offered by special vocational colleges. These technicians have an important role in patients’ health care.
These medical technicians are skilled in looking after patients who require immediate and emergency medical attention. These medical technicians take necessary steps towards health of a patient and stabilize them before going to any nearby hospitals. Some special training skills are required to stabilize the health, as it is not very easy. To obtain the optimum health condition of a patient there are mainly 3 steps. Each level demands some medical duties, which must be given properly by the technician. From level one each technician has to start and then proceed carefully to the other steps. These levels are as follows:
For different types of patients, such as trauma, heart and respiratory emergencies, the basic part consists of skills that a medical technician must have. The medical health of the patient has to be very cautiously assessed during emergency situations. Theoretical and clinical training are the two parts of the basic part. Shock management, types of burns, joint splitting, hemorrhage control and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation are some of these, which are discussed with the technicians. Initially, the students perform medical duties under the guide of more trained and experienced professionals.
As the learning level proceeds there is more advance in skills to be learnt. Life supporting in nature practices are included in this level. Health stability of the patient is restored by these steps taken. That are to be followed the actual protocols are broken down here such as those to be followed in a burnt patient. The transportation procedure of a medically compromised patient is modified so that the patient is able to receive proper medical treatment in time before fatality. There are few things which are discussed in this level, they are gunshot wound response, hazardous material identification, blood borne pathogen control and disinfection. Spinal or lung or chest trauma patients are to be treated in a different manner and have therefore, different treatment methods to be discussed. Generally the training period is 35-55 credit hours.
Paramedic training is the highest and ultimate level of the Emergency Medical Technicians during the medical training. The students come in to the real field in this level and are complete technicians in the sense they start using the experience gained in the previous levels and apply them on the patients like giving proper medications, incubating and electro cardiogram interpretation. Atleast 1000 hours has to be completed by the students during initial training period before going through these programs. Training in field experience is also included in this level.
Author is an expert writer on Medical Technicians and Emergency Medical Technicians.