Pedicure treatment: the fundamentals for loyal customers
The equipment used within a salon is segmented into categories, which if affected, will be important in delivering the ‘direct components’ (those items such as hair products, nail varnish and scissors etc) within a sale. This can ultimately be the difference between loyal and disloyal customers.
Explored within direct can include a pedicure cart. The mobility and accessibility are important within this item, in that, a salon includes a wide variety of products which if not orderly assembled will result in stock becoming difficult to retrieve, low stock as a result of products being invisible from view because of the poor structure etc and even, get lost or misplaced. All these combine to prevent a fully efficient level of service. To fully appreciate the implications of not having such a cart, consider this – an immobile desk which has no departments, yet the extent of products still has to be plentiful. In this situation, aside from the aesthetics, finding the product can be problematic
On review of the specific products available, it is apparent prices can be quite high. But as a result, the quality and degree of use is wider – success and choice of cart can be relatable. That is, a simple yet effective cart can be originally bought; then once gradual sales develop as a result, a better version could be considered.
The area within furniture can incorporate various items – both directly and indirectly applicable in relation to a sale.
The waiting room is often disregarded as an important part of the salon. Waiting is sometimes prolonged as a result of the hopeful influx of customers. Therefore, at this pre-stage, the decision making of the customer should not be adversely effected resulting a pre-determined of looking elsewhere for a place which provides more interesting things to do. Being unique and having the ability to separate yourself from the competitor is paramount, and consequently, certain items such as a TV, comfy chairs/beanbags and perhaps a drinks area will ensure interest is maintained.
The direct application of products needs to have surroundings which ensure the job is not only completed with perfection, but provides comfort for the customer. These two are mutually exclusive – without correct comfort, the actual application will be portraying a negative connotation within the customers mind. Conversely, the opposite is true if the service is poor and the comfort is excellent.