Baby Shower Favors – Economical Ideas For A Baby Shower.
Several guests can get together and get a big laundry basket. Place in it a long clothes line with outfits, diapers, bibs, etc. pinned to it. It might also be utilized as a room decoration. It has a little bit of everything and something to carry it in!
Baby Quilt – here’s a great gift from those who love to sew and quilt. Look for an alphabet quilt pattern. Each square has a letter of the alphabet on it and a photo of an object that started with that letter. It might have numbers as well. Each guest could be given/sent a square before the shower and can embroider, quilt, or embellish it based on her own taste. If the quilt is intended to be a wall hanging, guests may also attach little items like rattles and toys. Be sure that everybody signs their own block in some manner and have the blocks returned by a certain date in order to have it put together. This can also be used as a decoration at the shower.
Make a scrapbook album. Take blank scrapbook pages and have everyone write down their well wishes (without Mother knowing it) for the new baby. This could be done at or before the shower and can be given at the shower or to Mom while she’s in the hospital. If given after the shower, it might include photos taken there.
Distribute sheets of heavy paper decorated with baby related stamps, stickers, or photos several lines drawn on. Have the guests write their name on the paper and then write down some baby/parenting advice. As soon as everybody is finished, collect them, add a cover, punch holes in it, and tie it together with some ribbon. Then hand it to Mom to read aloud. This may be entertaining and also touching and is a nice keepsake. There’s tons of room for creativity on this one.
Have each guest bring an extra present (small item recommended) for Daddy-to-be and the host of the shower will then place them in large gift bag to present to him at the close of the party (generally after the main gifts are opened). He opens this with Mommy-to-be at home or in presence of close family or friends.
Diaper Shower— For a second (or more) baby, take into consideration a diaper shower. Ask each guest to bring only a package of diapers as a present. A few guests may bring other gifts also, but Mom will end up getting a mountain of diapers, something she’ll really need! Items could also include anything associated with diapering like wipes, ointment, powder, and so on.
Casserole Shower— For the mother who has everything already, what about a Casserole Shower? Have each guest bring a casserole or other ready-to-cook meal that can be frozen or stored till after the baby is born. Make sure to have the containers clearly labeled with contents and any cooking instructions. How helpful that will be when Mom and Baby come home! Book Party— Have each guest buy and give a copy of their favorite childhood book.
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