Applying Multiple Promoting Ways For Accruing Consumer Conversions

Making money with YouTube does not have to be rocket science. Most people tend to overcomplicate a viral video and invest way too much money up front trying to capture the elusive “lightening in a bottle.” Those would be the one of a kind, one in a thousand videos, like the “Ask a Ninja” or dancing dog or any one of hundreds of videos that captured the internet world’s imagination.

It’s too difficult to plan a viral video, and there’s no guarantee it’s going to work. What’s better is to just make a dozen of funny, fun and lighthearted videos that are zany, off the wall, and include either dogs, bikinis or ninjas. There was a study done by a media outlet that showed videos with those elements were some of the most highly viewed on the site.

But even planning a viral video can be complicated. You can make money with YouTube by putting someone in a tee shirt with your web address on it, and having them talk or do something those ties into a highly searched topic. So for example, when two publicity hunters claimed they found a body of a Bigfoot, a smart marketing person would have rented a Bigfoot costume, made several small videos of three minutes or less, like Bigfoot dancing, Bigfoot fighting a Ninja, or Bigfoot in a Bikini and putting their web or business address on a crawl, and then uploading it to the site. That’s tying into a national water cooler topic and would cost less than twenty bucks to produce.

Another way to make money on YouTube would be to search out highly viewed videos and link back to a blog or website. This not only makes an outside link to your site which can increase your search engine rankings, but if your comment is controversial, funny or informative, people will click on your site to see what you have to say there. By the way, the page where they land should be funny or informative or controversial to live up to the promise you created with your comment. YouTube also gives you the opportunity to create video comments on other people’s videos. If you set up your webcam and post video comments on the most highly viewed videos, you will stand out from the hundreds of other comments left on the site. Want to stand out even more? Be a sexy bikini clad Bigfoot or Ninja!

The best way to make money on YouTube is to just have fun. The number one videos all have one thing in common. They are humorous. Be funny and you will attract attention, which will help you create an income stream from YouTube.

If you also combine that with article marketing where you list your YouTube link, you would get some free traffic and potential visitors. Not only is this one of the most cost effective strategy but also since it’s free, it is neat to get to socialize and get other people’s opinion about your YouTube videos. Article marketing has been used to advertise and it’s free write about what you know for content purposes. Some people also use their article marketing on their website and blog.

For websites and blogs, they are easy to show your video on there. In order to do that, you can stick up your videos for each time you did an article on your website and blog. Not very hard to do and in the beginning it may be hard but if everyone sees it on your site, you have the potential to make yourself look like an expert in YouTube video marketing section.

At such places like MySpace, you have the option to stick up your own blog and advertise as well as using the classified section, which a lot of people do. Under classified, you stick up your YouTube video offering your services if you own your own business and get connected to as many people as you can. It’s how some people get more friends under classified since everyone that have an account there are able to see it.

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