Whey Protein Isolate for Gaining Muscular Mass

The mass of muscle in our body needs an adequate supply of protein to grow. For those into bodybuilding, the supply of protein to their body is of particular importance. The estimate of how much protein is required by the body is a hazy figure. Different organizations have been giving different figures.

W.H.O sets the bar at 56 grams for a man weighing 75 KG. The Figure specified by DHSS is set higher at 68g.But these figures are highly generalized. The actual required amount varies from person to person depending on age, sex and activity levels.

Increasing muscular activity demands more supply of protein. If the protein supply is less and the physical activity levels are high, then it would definitely result in reduction of muscular mass. An adequate amount of protein needs to be consumed to match the physical activity levels.

Today protein supplements are available in the market. Most of the gyms offer protein shakes to their customers. Though these shakes are quite effective in maintaining healthy protein levels, some of them can even harm the body.

The safest and the most effective way to meet the increasing requirement of protein by the body would be “Whey protein isolate”. This product has proved to be very effective for a number of weightlifters and bodybuilders.

There is a difference between Whey isolate, and whey concentrate. The former consists of almost pure protein (around 93%) while the latter contains a lesser amount – between 30% and 90%.The figure depends on the brand and quality of the source.

The liquid which is left after making cheese is used to obtain Whey protein. The non protein elements and the lipids and separated by membrane filtration and spray drying. The protein obtained would be in a concentrated form. The extract is then passed through high temperatures to start the denaturing process.

Guys if you are planning to gain muscular mass naturally, then Whey isolate would be the most appropriate option.

Check out the best whey protein and see the awesome protein shakes

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