It’s Time To Build A Positive Attitude
A survey of Harvard University found that when a person gets a job or a promotion, 85% of the time it is because of his attitude and only 15% of the time because of intelligence and knowledge of specific facts and figures. It is surprising that almost 100% of education expenses go to teach facts and figures, which account for only 15% of success in life.
Positive attitude help people to win within family, friends, job, business everywhere. People with negative attitudes often blame the whole world including their parents, teachers, spouse, job, luck, economy, government everything for their failures. To build a positive attitude is not always very easy. If you want to build and maintain a positive attitude, you need to practice the following eight steps.
1. Change focus, look for the positive
Start looking for what is right in a person or situation instead of looking for what is wrong. Some people always look for the negative. Whatever you focus, that will grow. Focus to become an optimist.
2. Make a habit of doing it now
Some people keep waiting for all the lights to turn green before they leave home. That will never happen. They fail even before they start.
What time is it and where are we? The answer is now and we are here. Make the best of now and utilize the present to the fullest. A fullest present sows the seed of a bright future.
3. Develop an attitude of gratitude
Count your blessings, not your troubles. Take time to smell the roses. Many times we are so focused on complaining about things we do not have that we lose sight of the things we have. There is a lot to be thankful for. Many of our blessings are hidden treasure, so count them.
4. Get into a continuous education program
We need more value based education rather than academic education. A person who is morally educated will be a lot better equipped to move up in life or succeed than a morally bankrupt person, with excellent academic qualifications.
5. Build a positive self esteem
Self esteem is the way we feel about ourselves. When we feel well within, our performance goes up and our relationships improve both at home & at work and the world look better. There is a direct correlation between our feelings and behaviour.
6. Stay away from negative influence
Whenever people succeed in life, petty people starts critiquing at them and try to pull them down. When you refuse to fight petty people, you win. Don’t let negative people drag you down. A person’s character is not only judged by the company they keep but also by the company they avoid.
7. Learn to like the things that need to be done
St. Francis of Assisi said, “Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Some things requires to be done whether we like it or not and seems impossible to do. But if you learn to like the task, the impossible becomes possible.
8. Start your day with something positive
Read or listen to something positive in the morning at first. After a good night’s sleep we are relaxed and our subconscious mind is receptive. It puts up the right frame of mind to make a day to a positive day.
It’s the best time to develop a positive attitude. Building a positive attitude is extremely important to be successful in life. Follow the above steps and you can maintain a positive attitude.
Tuhin Hasan is an expert author on personal development. Visit to receive more of his exclusive articles for free.