Risotto Meal Ideas
Risotto is a general name for a dish made of rice which is cooked in broth to a creamy consistency. Risotto was originally a dish served in Northern Italy where short-grain rice is grown in many areas. The rice is cooked slowly, with broth (or stock) added gradually while stirring the rice constantly. The cooking technique causes the rice to release its starch, giving the finished dish a creamy texture. Risotto is often served as a first course, but can also be served with a main dish.
Regardless of the recipe you use, the cooking technique for risotto is the same. First, rice is cooked briefly in either olive oil or butter using a wide, heavy saucepan or skillet to give each grain of rice a coating of fat- Italians call this “tostatura”. Then, white wine is added and the rice is cooked until the wine evaporates. The rice is cooked on medium heat and very hot broth is added in small amounts. The rice must be stirred constantly with a wooden spoon while cooking which allows the starch molecules in the outer coat of the rice to be released into the broth, creating a creamy, smooth liquid. The rice is then removed from the heat and diced cold butter and, in certain recipes, grated parmesan cheese is stirred in quickly to ensure the rice remains very smooth. Once the risotto is complete, is should be creamy but still have an “al dente” texture. Risotto should be eaten soon after it is prepared, as it will continue to cook on the plate and can become dry.
Risotto, although normally served as a first course before the meal, can also be a great meal in itself. Many risottos are served as vegetarian dishes, made with a vegetable broth with other vegetables included in the dish. When served with bread and a side salad, risotto is a delicious and filling meal that will suit any appetite. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has a vegetarian apple and walnut risotto with gorgonzola that tastes a little like a Waldorf salad on his website. Variations including a kid-friendly super cheesy vegetarian risotto, a creamy mushroom risotto, and many others are easy to find online. Once you have gotten the hang of a basic risotto using vegetable broth, there are a large number of variations you can try.
If you are not concerned with creating a vegetarian dish, the possibilities for risotto are endless. Probably the most common version is a chicken risotto, made with chicken broth and meat. Chicken risotto is a little like chicken soup- if you look around you can find a huge variety of recipes, or even create your own. Another favorite is “dirty” risotto, which is a basic risotto recipe made with either chicken or beef broth and then peppers, sausage, onions, and other Cajun-style ingredients are added to make a dish that is easily a meal. If you plant to serve risotto as part of an elegant formal dinner or at a dinner party, there are many versions to compliment nearly any main dish. When you serve risotto, make sure there isn’t too much liquid around the rice, and spread it thin on a plate or shallow dish. A simple way to make your risotto look like restaurant food is to garnish the top with a sprig of parsley or any other ingredient that compliments your meal.
Risotto is a dish that has many possibilities, and once you have mastered a basic risotto you can use your imagination to come up with endless varieties. Even kids love risotto, so it makes a great family dish when served with a few sides. Serving risotto at a party will instantly give your meal the feeling of a gourmet dinner, and your guests will love the warm, smooth flavor.
Author Thomas Davies is a contributor to the culinary website Tastydays which features Risotto Recipes and Video Recipes.