Effective Weight Loss Solutions
Obesity and overweight sufferers will be glad to know that there is an easy weight loss solution in the form of HCG hormone. Many of us know that HCG is only used in pregnancy to help the embryo assimilate fats for growth and development from its mother. However, the HCG hormone is an effective weight loss remedy as it can be used to stimulate the hypothalamus into mobilizing the structural fats deposited at the stomach, underarms, hips and thighs. As these fats flow in the bloodstream a feeling of fullness is evoked and thus one will only need to eat when he/she is really hungry.
For some time now HCG for weight issues has been available in the form of drops and injections. Recently though, a more effective weight loss regimen has been discovered in homeopathic HCG. Why homeopathy? In the homeopathic process, after a product is diluted severally it loses its overall size but a small potent portion is left. In medicine, this little portion is enough to trigger the cure to a particular ailment. Though homeopathic HCG is available in injection and sublingual drops forms, it is the latter form that provides a very easy weight loss solution for most people.
Further to the administration of homeopathic HCG, one needs an effective weight loss diet. This can be found in meals that are low in calories, high in proteins, and supplemented with plenty of fruits and vegetables. At the onset of this regimen HCG is administered along with a fatty diet. This is meant to stimulate the metabolism of fats. One is also advised to establish his or her weight before initiating the treatment to ascertain if there is any subsequent weight loss. The weight loss diet may be low in calories but the body will use the fats mobilized via HCG for energy purposes. This is a conservative and easy weight loss scheme compared to the others which attack the muscle mass for the body’s energy.
Another effective weight loss solution is consuming a blood group related diet. Courtesy of Dr. D’Adamo, we have realised that foods, typically plant and animal products, react differently with people of different blood groups. For a quick and easy weight loss regimen therefore, one should combine foods friendly to his/her blood group with homeopathic HCG.
An important factor that makes HCG a safe and effective weight loss solution is the fact that this hormone naturally occurs in the body hence there is very little probability of side effects arising.
If you will, more information on this easy weight loss solution and blood group diets can be found at www.myhcgsource.com.