Influencing Skills and Leadership Training – the Holy Grails of Sales
Selling products, goods, services, investments, companies, is an art. It is an art that not very many sales teams and managers really have – which is why when you choose to train your own teams and managers in using influencing skills, your business’ profile and results will spiral upwards almost immediately. Modern leadership training will put you and your sales teams at the head of any pack. And all because the new techniques just starting to be used have done what all the old ones promised they might achieve but never did. Modern training modes have broken the mould – moving away from staid scenario training and amateur psychology. Instead, modern training packages use genuine psychology, sociology, neuroscience and game theory to deliver real results for individuals and groups.
The basis of modern sales training is something that the leaders like to call “influencing skills”. We are talking, here, about the kind of persuasion that makes a potential customer feel like he or she has almost arrived at the decision to buy of his or her own accord. A sales person skilled in the art of influence will lead his or her customer to a sale in such a way that the customer ends up feeling that he or she just needs a little encouragement to do what he or she already wanted to do – namely, buy the product.
Influencing and leadership training are really two sides of the same coin. Leaders, of course, influence their followers, ultimately finding ways to convince those followers that they are doing things because they want to, rather than because they are being told to. Influence and persuasion are powerful tools, which, used right, can deliver superb results for all team leaders and for all sales departments.
When a team is taught influencing skills, it will learn subtle arts of behaviour manipulation, which have been based on an applied study of neuroscience, psychology and sociology. The way in which the team receives that training, though, is as individual as the team itself. Every team member is approached and trained in a different way – the way that works best for him or her personally. This is the key attribute of the new wave of influence and leadership training, which has finally recognised that the best results in all forms of training are made when the people being trained are encouraged to make their own personal breakthroughs in their own personal ways. To respond to a training situation individually is to cement the lessons learned much better. Influencing skills will come quicker, and set better into the working behaviours of a candidate, if he or she is encouraged (indeed: influenced) to embrace them on a personal level.
It is powerful stuff, this new kind of leadership training. It is making vibrant and results driven teams, and it is bringing new business leaders out of their shells and into the lime light. For guaranteed success and a completely vital new way of training, it’s time we all started looking at influencing skills.
Influencing skills and leadership training are vital, vibrant new ways of instilling successful behaviours in management and sales teams. For more information please visit