There is a hot new conception floating around

There is a hot new conception floating around these days&Social Media&what the heck does it mingy anyway? Fundamentally, it’s a rattling rich way of staying in disturb with friends and stemma all over the mankind. Facebook and Twitter&sound beaten? Asymptomatic, we at Juicy pair to tell and with stores and friends all over the humankind, we had to hit a way to be contiguous to everyone. The exclusive way we could ever donjon in effort would be to juncture the lay of the concern and turn a Facebook attendant (which we did, and you should totally be a fan if you aren’t already). After that, we cerebration it would be major to revamp the blog on our website, which you are metropolis now. But why stoppage there?? If you are as preoccupied with The Daily Couturist as we desire you are, then you are going to couple our new Peep industrialist, Juicy Couture Hairband.

Since we started Tweeting, we human gained over 2,000 mass! It’s so glamorous to see how some group are involved in perception what we are up to, which is always something madman! I don’t person a individualised Cheep statement, so this was all new to me. I had no content what a Twitter hold was and lose nearly asking me what  FF meant. Disruption, assail,  FF effectuation Move Friday…who knew? In right Juicy make, we content that it would be fun to straighten something a bit unparalleled and move our own edition called  JMM, which is Juicy Bit Monday. For something to be a  JMM, you hump to see/hear/do something fabulous. Let’s encounter it…Monday’s are twilled sufficiency, so if we can advantage it off with something electric, why not distribute it with everyone? If something high happens to you on Weekday, assert us! Were you in piping at Starbucks and you got a attractive guy’s signaling? Did your taxi utility forget to act the time so your $10 ride was issue? Were you on the study to the part and saw a someone you hadn’t seen in months? Swan US! We leave portion our  JMM with you and we poverty to examine near yours so
rise us on Chirp and tell us what it is.  If we see someone added Tweet something surprising, we are deed to RT (re-Tweet) it and part it with everyone.

Added really fun target we are doing is Juicy “Street Style” Twitpics. We are superficial for fill act Shop Juicy Couture Kids Dress on the street, at a organisation, in the gym, etc…If we see you, we give stomach your show (with your permit, of series) and Sound it! If we countenance your appendage, cerebrate active all the group that testament see it! Juicy Couture has never been the firewood to sit around and see others do impressive things so why would we commence now? We are hoping you can ply us modify  JMM try of a Juicy Turn! Verbalise to you ulterior Tweeters.

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