Software System Design Unwrapped
Mention software system design or software engineering design and most non-technical people have no idea what this really means.
Customised Software Applications
Software design basically involves a problem and a solution to that problem by way of a customised software application. This customised application is by far the most practical method of being able to provide a fully deliverable end-to-end solution to your IT issues particularly if your business has a specific requirement which existing software cannot deliver. Ultimately you require your software design to meet your needs rather than to cause you extra headaches or unwanted technical issues.
A software engineer, like other roles in the engineering field, will take a very systematic approach to the case at hand. One issue which does arise in the software engineering field is that developers must continuously work on picking up new skills in order to stay abreast of the fast developing field of computer technology. A corporate in-house developer may not be enough to complete the task as they may be more focused on their budget constraints or other issues within the company. An external engineer however will be more alert to new ideas and suggestions having worked on different projects within a variety of organisations.
Software Engineering Design
The analysis that operates behind the scenes with a software system design will determine the specifications required in your particular scenario. An engineer will produce a story board or other form of documentation giving the design team an accurate picture and knowledge as to whether a platform-specific or platform-independent design is required. A software engineer will take a number of things into account when taking on your project including long term maintainability, compatibility with existing software, the addition of new capabilities should situations change within the organisation and reliability to name a few.
Software engineering design via a computer-aided software design (CASE) will leave you with a high quality, maintainable system. The tools required for CASE offer many benefits for both the developer or engineer and the client. By definition they relate to software which automates the procedure making it less a source code environment focusing more on the overall architecture and design. If the integration of several CASE tools are required to get the job done then the term “tools” is substituted by either workbench or environment. A CASE environment supports a large part of the software process while tools support a smaller portion of the development process.
Business owners often think that once they use the services of a software designer, they are forever tied to costly upgrades and maintenance fees. This is not the case. More money is wasted on projects which fail due to improper implementation by the client to their staff. Companies or individuals fear change particularly when it comes to internal systems and procedures however a good designer will be aware of this fact from the outset. The engineer’s job is to make sure that the software offered will be user friendly and not too far removed from current company procedures. Training by the software designer to the company or specific individuals will be necessary in order to make sure that the project is implemented smoothly from start to finish.
The development process may differ slightly from software engineering design companies but one area which is pivotal is a synergy between both client and company. From the initial conceptualisation of the application through to the end product, communication between all involved is vital. An initial timeframe will be determined at the outset but what you are ultimately looking to achieve is a suitable system taking into account all issues rather than a company delivering a quick solution without proper testing.
Shivam Technologies provide software development, web development and custom software design using industry standard platforms like, PHP and the Microsoft .NET standard