How Not To Confuse Your Pet In His New Home
The arrival of a new pet is always exciting, especially when there are children in the family, but too much action and emotion will disturb and confuse the dog. Remind everyone that over excitement will panic the dog, that a puppy tires easily just like a baby, and that a grown dog will need time to adjust to a new environment. If you have children, remind them that you’re not going to let them carry the puppy around and display him to all their friends- not at first, anyway. For one thing, an animal is not a toy.
For another, a puppy will squirm a lot because he’s insecure, and may squirm right out of a child’s arms and fall. Remember, also, that in the dog’s eyes children are not dominant family members-you are the boss. So let the kids know that they are not to try to discipline or train the puppy in the early days. That’s your job. Where will the dog sleep? The sooner you introduce your new pet to his sleeping quarters the better for him and for you. If the dog is a puppy, you need a place where you can keep him confined until he is trained to be clean in the house. The ideal situation is a room with a gate-like a child’s safety gate across the doorway.
And since the dog’s going to be part of the family, this area of confinement should be where there’s lots of action; the kitchen is a good place. Put the dog’s bed in the room you’ve chosen, with a layer of papers nearby for him to use for urinating and defecating. Tell everyone that he’s to be allowed only in this one room until he’s trained. Sleeping in a confined space is very comforting and dogs, like people, like to have a place of their own. You can buy a dog bed for the newcomer, but it’s not strictly necessary. A box lined with a blanket or some of your old sweaters will work just as well-it won’t be as smart, but the dog isn’t interested in glamor and an article of your clothing will help him get used to your particular smell.
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