Good info for you whos wondering how to quit smoking
There are a lot of reasons why people take up smoking . Maybe you were just curious, it could be because of stress , it could be because you wanted to fit in , picking up the habit can be either of these reasons and now it has become such an integrated part of you that you have unconsciously became a smoker . There is no best way to quit smoking since every person deals with it differently . The reason why smoking is so addictive is because of the nicotine in the cigarettes. Smokers attest that quit-smoking ideas like using chewing gum, nicotine patches or sheer willpower will not make them quit the habit completely. The best way to quit smoking starts with a complete overhaul of the manner in which one processes thoughts in order to convince oneself that you do not need a cigarette.
There are plenty of reasons why adults smoke and among those reasons are to alleviate negative feelings. When things are going downhill, cigarettes provide a different level of comfort. The physical act of smoking is therapeutic to some and can make negative feelings such as stress and anxiety vanish along with the smoke. One should remember that aside from smoking there are other ways to ward off unpleasant feelings and thoughts . These other ways are effective in and of itself but they are also healthy and safe for the environment . One of the best ways to quit smoking is through a complete improvement of lifestyle. Include exercise and meditation in your everyday activities and you would realize that it is easier to take care of emotions.
Motivate yourself by thinking of the many benefits quitting smoking will do for you. According to doctors, after just 20 minutes of quitting smoking, your blood pressure would normalize. your carbon monoxide levels will be kept to a normal rate and your blood circulation will improve after a couple of months . The risks of getting a heart attack will dwindle down after being nicotine free for a year. It doesn’t matter if you have been a chain smoker for years, you will still reap the benefits of quitting, you would be pleased to know that your resilience against heart attacks and strokes will match that of a non-smoker once you have been nicotine free for 10 years or more.
The best way to quit smoking is to think of these benefits and completely change your lifestyle. The addictive component of cigarettes is something that you don’t have any control over , however, your thoughts and feelings and resolve are the things you have a hold of . If you fix your whole outlook in life and how you handle problems, you would be able to see that you can live without the cigarettes. you can live your life freely without smoking things that can kill you
If you have been wondering what would be the Best way to quit smoking for you and have been trying many different things without succes so far, you might want to check out for methods that really work. Don’t destroy your lungs and yourself anymore. Take action and quit smoking today forever.