Different Kinds of Coffee Makers You Will Love
Each household will have its own coffee maker. With the different varieties available in the market today, you just can’t help but want to see what the others are like just in case your old coffee maker dies out or if you just want to try something new.
Before buying a new one, it is advisable that you first decide what you want out of it. Do you drink more than ten cups a day or are you satisfied with just a single cup? Do you prefer to grind your own coffee beans or do you prefer to have a built in grinder? Are you a coffee drinker who likes foam? Or do you just want a plain and simple cup of coffee? These are just some of the basic questions you should ask yourself.
Generally, the most common type is the one that has an automatic drip. With this kind of coffee maker, you simply put some water in its back, then a filter, then fill it with coffee then simply press the push button to start. This is the easiest to use and that is what makes it all the more appealing. While it can make a single cup or gallons of it for a time, the purpose for which it was bought still depends on how you want to use it. The only thing about this kind is that you will have to grind some coffee beans first. If you do not have a grinder at home, you can find quality coffee beans in any store where they will grind it for you or even infuse some flavors such as vanilla, cinnamon, or hazelnut.
Coming in a close second is the manual drip. Using this kind of coffee maker is similar to the automatic drip. The only difference is that you have to heat the water and pour it into the holder where the coffee filter is located. Once the coffee drains into the pot, you’re done. The manual drip coffee maker can make a single cup or up to a dozen cups. A manual drip, however, cannot be used for commercial purposes. This type of coffee maker is suitable only for hunting, fishing or camping trips. Basically, it is very portable so you can bring it anywhere you want. All you need is hot water which you can heat over a stove, a campfire or even on a hot car engine if you really want your coffee that bad.
The third popular kind is for the select few. These are the espresso and cappuccino coffee makers that are known to be quite expensive. Operating them needs more than a little practice because they make heavy use of pressure, froth, foam and milk. Because these two are gaining popularity nowadays, their sizes have become smaller and are becoming a bit more affordable than they used to.
Aside from the four mentioned, there are lots of other varieties you might find interesting as well. There are the vacuum brewers, the old fashioned percolators, and the French press. You can check out online stores as well as a local retailer to find the right kind of coffee maker you are looking for.
Visit Glen Salazar’s new website to get top facts on vacuum coffee maker, learn all about them and learn about discounts and special offers. If you are in one cup coffee maker, this web site is a point where you will want to go.